
This property sets or refers to the link options for the active project regarding sections where symbols are mapped from ROM to RAM. [CC-RH][CC-RX][CC-RL]

[Specification format]

build.Link.SectionROMtoRAM = sectionlist





Set the section that maps symbols from ROM to RAM as a list of strings.


List of the section that maps symbols from ROM to RAM

[Detailed description]


This property sets or refers to the link options for the active project regarding sections where symbols are mapped from ROM to RAM.


Add or change for the referred list to change the setting.

[Example of use]

>>>sec = build.Link.SectionROMtoRAM     ... Refer the current setting and add the section that maps symbols from ROM to RAM
>>>print sec
['D=R', 'D_1=R_1', 'D_2=R_2']
>>>build.Link.SectionROMtoRAM = sec
>>>print build.Link.SectionROMtoRAM
['D=R', 'D_1=R_1', 'D_2=R_2', 'D_3=R_3']