
This property sets or refers to the setting for output of a ROMized object file, that is, the value of the ROMization process option for the active project. [CA850][CX][CA78K0R]

[Specification format]

build.ROMization.OutputObjectFile = bool





Set whether or not to output the ROMized object file.

True: Output the ROMized object file.

False: Do not output the ROMized object file.


If the ROMized object file is output: True

If the ROMized object file is not output: False

If the compiler is not supported: None

[Detailed description]


This property sets or refers to the setting for output of a ROMized object file, that is, the value of the ROMization process option for the active project.

[Example of use]

>>>setting = build.ROMization.OutputObjectFile
>>>print setting
>>>build.ROMization.OutputObjectFile = False
>>>print build.ROMization.OutputObjectFile