Detail Version Information dialog box

This dialog box is used to displays detail version information of this product and the present project information.

Figure A.72

Detail Version Information Dialog Box


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Help] menu, select [Detail Version Information...].


Click the [Detail Version Information...] button in the Message dialog box.

[Description of each area]


Information text area

Show the detail version information of this product and the present project information.

The necessary information is as follows.



System Information

OS Version

Windows information


.NET Framework Version

Application Information

Product Name

Information of this product

Package Version


Assembly Version

Sales AreaNote 1

Product License

Additional InformationNote 1

Execution Place

Memory Usage

Plug-in InformationNote 2

Module name

Each plug-in information for this product in use

VersionNote 3

Assembly VersionNote 3

DLL file nameNote 3

URLNote 1

Present Project InformationNote 4

Main Project Information

(Subproject Information)

This shows the absolute path of the project file (the absolute path including the *.mtpj file name for main projects, and the absolute path including the *.mtsp file name for subprojects).

Microcontroller Information

The following item to the specified microcontroller information


Device name


Device file name: List of version

Build Tool Information

The following out of the set build tool plug-in informationNote 5


Build tool name


Version of the build tool plug-in


Version of the compiler package to useNote 1

Debug Tool Information

The following out of the set debug tool plug-in information (if the debug tool is not set, hide)


Connected debug tool name


Version of the debug tool plug-in


Version of the debug tool control program

The Error Information Which OccurredNote 6

Detailed information on the occurred error information

Note 1.

This is not shown when the information does not exist.

Note 2.

The module name of a plug-in not read in has the suffix "(-)" added to the end.
The module name of a plug-in read in but not functioning has the suffix "(!)" added to the end.

Note 3.

For a plug-in not read in, this is shown as "-".

Note 4.

This is only shown when projects are opened (when there is subproject, line them up).

Note 5.

These are not shown when the project type is a debug-dedicated project.

Note 6.

This is only shown when this dialog box is opened by the [Detail Version Information...] button in Message dialog box.

[[Edit] menu (Detail Version Information dialog box-dedicated items)]


Copies the selected characters in the detail version information area to the clip board.

Select All

Selects all the characters in the detail version information area.

[Context menu]


Copies the selected characters in the detail version information area to the clip board.

Select All

Selects all the characters in the detail version information area.

[Function buttons]



Copy All Text

Copies all the characters displayed in the detail version information area to the clip board.


Closes this dialog box.


Displays the help of this dialog box.