Plug-in Manager dialog box

This dialog box is used to set the plug-ins to be read in when this product is started.


The settings in this dialog box are effective from the next time this product is started.

Figure A.59

Plug-in Manager Dialog Box


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Tool] menu, select [Plug-in Setting...].

[Description of each area]


Tab selection area

By selecting a tab, the plug-ins displayed in the plug-in list area are switched.

This dialog box has the following tabs:


Plug-in list area

Select the plug-ins read when this product is started with check boxes.

For details of displayed items/setting method, see the description of each tab.


You can select all check boxes or clear them by clicking buttons displayed on the upper left of this area.


Selects all check boxes.


Clears all check boxes.


Toggles all check boxes.

[Function buttons]




Applies all setting and closes this dialog box.


Cancels the designated condition and closes the dialog box.


Displays the help of this dialog box.