Parts Led Properties dialog box

This property dialog box is used to set or change the pin connection information of LED, which are one of the connection parts in the I/O Panel window.

A pin-connected LED displays the information output from the simulator through lit/unlit display in the Simulation mode.

There are two types of LED display styles, figure and bitmap. These styles can be changed on the [[Style] tab].

Figure A.73

Parts Led Properties Dialog Box: [LED Connection] Tab

Figure A.74

Parts Led Properties Dialog Box: [Style] Tab


This section describes the following.

[How to open]

On the I/O Panel window, any one of the following:


Double-click a part object "LED".


Select [Properties...] form the context menu on a part object "LED".


Select a part object "LED", and then select [Properties...] form the [View] menu.

[[LED Connection] tab]


Pin connection information setting area


This area is used to specify the part name. The part name input here is also displayed in the Parts List dialog box as the label.

Pin Name

This area is used to specify the pin name to be connected (output pin). The connection pins can be specified either via direct input or through selection from the drop-down list.

Active Level

The active state is selected with a option button, as follows:


Sets the active level to LOW.


Sets the active level to HIGH (default).


For the pin names that can be specified, see the user's manual of the microcontroller that is used.

[[Style] tab]


Style information setting area


Select this option button to display the LED with the following specified figure.


Select the figure shape. Two shapes can be selected: rectangle and ellipse.


Cannot be selected.


Specify and change the figure line, as follows.

You can change the color of figure line by clicking the pull-down button.


Specifies the line thickness.

Specification is made either using a spin button or through direct input.

A value from 1 to 100 can be specified.


Specifies the color of the line during active display.


Specifies the color of the line during inactive display.

Fill up

Specify and change the figure filling, as follows.

You can change the color of figure filling by clicking the pull-down button.


Specifies the fill color during active display.


Specifies the fill color during inactive display.


Select this option button to display the LED with the following specified bitmap (default).

Selection list

Select a bitmap to be used from the selection list.

The selectable bitmaps appear in the selection list.

[Add] button

Opens the Entry Bitmap dialog box below to add a new bitmap to the selection list.

The bitmap file to be added can be specified either through file selection using the [...] button, or through direct input.


[Delete] button

Deletes the currently selected bitmap from the selection list.

Note that only the bitmap that have been added by user can be deleted.


Preview area

This area displays the style of the LED currently being specified.

[Function buttons]




Validates the settings and closes this dialog box.


Cancels the settings and closes this dialog box.


Cannot be selected.


Displays the help for this dialog box.


In the Simulation mode, the output status (active/inactive) of the connected pins is displayed in real-time using two types of bitmaps or figures.

Figure A.75

Connected Parts Display Example (LED)