Signal Data Editor window

This window is used to create and edit the signal data that is input to input pins.

The created signal data can be input to the input pin during simulation by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Signal Input]. This data can also be saved to the signal data file (*.wvi) by selecting the [File] menu >> [Save]/[Save As...] or by saving the project file.

The saved file contents can be restored by selecting the [File] menu >> [Open...] or by loading the project file.

Caution 1.

If the saved signal data file is opened or the project file is opened while Simulator GUI is running with a microcontroller different from the one used when the signal data file was created, the settings of pins that are not provided in the microcontroller will not be restored.

Caution 2.

The main clock and sub clock cannot be input from this window. Set the main clock/sub clock oscillation frequency on the [Connect Settings] tab in the Property panel.

Caution 3.

If inputting of signals is started during program break, the signals will actually be input when the program is resumed from the break.

Remark 1.

The following data can be displayed or edited in this window:


Newly created signal data


Previously created signal data files


File of signal data previously obtained by performing simulation and saving the results as output signal data

Remark 2.

On the titlebar of this window, "Project file name + Serial number (from 0).wvi" is displayed when the project file has been loaded. However, after having loaded a project file of PM+, then if you save a file as the project file of CS+, "Project file name + CS+ Serial number (from 0).wvi" is displayed on the titlebar.

Figure A.54

Signal Data Editor Window


This section describes the following.

[How to open]


Click the button


Select [Signal Data Editor] from the [Simulator] menu.

[Description of each area]


Information bar

It can be specified whether this area is displayed or not, by selecting the [View] menu >> [Information Bar].


Select the unit of the wait time from the drop-down list.

The wait time unit can be changed by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Time unit].


If this button is clicked while the program is running, signal input starts.

If this button is clicked while the program is stopped, signal input starts automatically the next time the program execution is started.


If this button is clicked while the program is running, signal input is stopped.

If this button is clicked while the program is stopped, signal input does not start automatically even if the program execution is started.


The current signal input line (line highlighted with yellow) is returned to the beginning.


Client area


Pin area

Displays the input pin names.

The input pin to be used is selected via the Select Pin dialog box that is opened by clicking the button on the toolbar or selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Select Pin...].

Data input to pins can be enabled/disabled by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Pin Status].


Line number area

Displays line number.

This area is used when performing editing in line units.

Note that up to 1,048,576 (= 1M) lines can be specified as the signal data.


Mark area

Displays the loop information for the specified input value.

The loop information is specified by selecting from the context menu or the [Edit] menu >> [Mark] in the relevant field.

The following marks are displayed after the loop information has been specified.


Loop start location (endless loop)


Loop start location (with loop count)


Loop end location


Wait area

Displays as "wait time" the timing at which the specified input value is input to the pins.

The wait time is specified by directly writing numeric values in the relevant field.

Note that numeric values (decimal code) from 0 to 4,294,967,295 can be specified (values that exceed 4,294,967,295 can be set by using one more line).

The wait time unit can be changed by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Time unit].


Data area

Displays the input value input to the pins.

The input value is specified by directly writing numeric value in the relevant field.

Note that the input rules differ as follows according to the pin type.

Digital pins

Any one of the following one character


LOW signal


HIGH signal


Hi-Z signal (case insensitive)

Analog pins

A decimal value from 0 to 5000 (unit: mV)

[Dedicated menu (Signal Data Editor window)]


[Edit] menu


Cannot be selected.


Cannot be selected.


Cuts the selected range and saves it to the clipboard.


Copies the selected range and copies it to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.


Deletes the selected range.

Select All

Selects all display data.


Cannot be selected.

Select Pin...

Opens the Select Pin dialog box. The pin(s) for which input signal data is to be created or edited is (are) selected in this dialog box.

Time unit

Selects the wait time unit.


main clock

Main clock (default)





Pin Status

Selects the input status of the selected pin.



Enables data input to the pin (default).


Disables data input to the pin.


Sets a mark to the selected Mark area.


Loop Start

Sets the loop start mark.

Loop End

Sets the loop end mark.

Loop Dialog

Opens the Loop dialog box. Sets the details of loop information.

Signal Input

Inputs signal data to the simulator.



Starts signal input.


Stops signal input.


Returns the current signal input line to the beginning.


[View] menu

Information Bar

Selects whether the information bar is displayed or not.


[Option] menu


Opens the Customize dialog box.

[Signal Data Editor toolbar]


Opens the Select Pin dialog box.

The pin(s) for which input signal data is to be created or edited is (are) selected in this dialog box.


If this button is clicked while the program is running, signal input starts.

If this button is clicked while the program is stopped, signal input starts automatically the next time the program execution is started.


If this button is clicked while the program is running, signal input is stopped.

If this button is clicked while the program is stopped, signal input does not start automatically even if the program execution is started.


The current signal input line (line highlighted with yellow) is returned to the beginning.

[Context menu]

The following context menus are available at each area in the Client area.


Pin area


Enables data input to the pin (default).


Disables data input to the pin.

Select Pin...

Opens the Select Pin dialog box. The pin(s) for which input signal data is to be created or edited is (are) selected in this dialog box.


Line number


Cuts the selected range and saves it to the clipboard.


Copies the selected range and copies it to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.


Deletes the selected range.


Mark area


Cuts the selected cell and saves it to the clipboard.


Copies the selected cell and copies it to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.


Deletes the selected cell.

Loop Start

Sets the loop start mark.

Loop End

Sets the loop end mark.

Loop Dialog

Opens the Loop dialog box. Sets the details of loop information.


Wait area


Cuts the data in the selected cell and saves it to the clipboard. The data in the selected cell becomes 0.


Copies the data in the selected cell and copies it to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.


Deletes the data in the selected cell. The data in the selected cell becomes 0.


Data area


Cuts the data in the selected cell and saves it to the clipboard. The data in the selected cell becomes "Z" (Hi-Z).


Copies the data in the selected cell and copies it to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.


Deletes the data in the selected cell. The data in the selected cell becomes "Z" (Hi-Z).

Start Signal Input

Starts signal input.

Stop Signal Input

Stops signal input.

Reset Signal Input

Returns the current signal input line to the beginning.


(1) Pin selection

(2) Creating signal data

(3) Data copy and paste

(4) Single-line editing

(5) Signal input

(6) Operation at CPU reset


Pin selection

To create the signal data, it is first necessary to select the pin to be used.

Open the Select Pin dialog box by clicking the button on the toolbar or selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Select Pin...], and select the pin to be used. Once a pin is selected, its name is displayed in Pin area.


Creating signal data

Create the signal data input to each pin.


Setting of input value

In the Data area, specify the value that is input to each pin (see "Data area").


Setting of input timing

In the Wait area, specify the timing at which the input value is input to each pin as "wait time" (see "Wait area").


Setting of the loop information

When loop processing for the signal data specified in step (a) and (b) is needed, specify the loop information.

To specify the loop information, select [Loop Start] from the context menu on the loop start position in the Mark area, and select [Loop End] on the loop stop position.

At this time, the loop count can be specified. In this case, specify the loop count via the Loop dialog box that is opened by selecting [Loop Dialog...] from the context menu.

The corresponding loop information marks are displayed if the setting of the loop information is completed (see "Mark area").


Data copy and paste

The set values in Mark area/Wait area/Data area can be copied and pasted.

However, copied data can be pasted only in the same area.


When one or more (a range of) cells are selected, these cells can be copied by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Copy] (or pressing the [Ctrl] + [C] key).


When one or more (a range of) cells are selected, these cells can be pasted by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Paste] (or pressing the [Ctrl] + [V] key).

When multiple (a range of) cells are selected, the copied data is pasted to the cells repeatedly.


Single-line editing

Single lines can be edited by selecting Line number area.

The method is the same as that described in "(3) Data copy and paste".

Data pasted during line paste (insertion) is inserted immediately before the selected line.


Signal input

Input the created signal data to the input pins of the simulator while simulation is executed.

At this time, the line whose signal is currently being input (current line) is highlighted in yellow during program breaks (this can be changed via [Inputted current line] item in the Customize dialog box), in order to display signal input progress.

There are the following types of signal data input operations:

Signal input start

Click the button, or select the [Edit] menu >> [Signal Input] >> [Start].

As a result, signal input starts from the current signal input line (highlighted line).

Signal input stop

Click the button, or select the [Edit] menu >> [Signal Input] >> [Stop].

This stops signal input.

Signal reset

Click the button, or select the [Edit] menu >> [Signal Input] >> [Reset].

This returns the current signal input line to the beginning. If signal reset was performed during signal input, input continues from the beginning.


The signal data input to the selected pin can be controlled by selecting the [Edit] menu >> [Pin Status] >> [Valid]/[Invalid].


Operation at CPU reset

When CPU reset occurs, the current signal input line returns to the beginning.

If a CPU reset occurs during signal input, input continues from the beginning (same operation as the button).