2.8 Jump to Declared Location

You can jump to the location of the source text where the function, variable, or class [CC-RX], etc. on the Class/Member panel is declared.


When C++ source files are subject to analysis, the reference information for functions/variables that are referenced in a member function defined in a template function or a template class cannot be obtained. Therefore, the following operation is invalid for them; except however, when the template function is defined with a static declaration, and defined outside a class.


When the jump is executed, the source file in which the target is declared opens in the Editor panel, and the caret moves to the line of the function prototype declaration (for C source files) or the line of the function prototype declaration inside class declaration (for C++ source files).

To do this, perform the following operation.



On the classes/categories tree area


A namespace node [CC-RX]


A class name node [CC-RX]


An interface name node [CC-RX]


A struct type name node


An union type name node


An enum type name node

Select [Jump to Declaration of Source] from the context menu.

On the functions/variables list area


A function name node


A variable name node


A macro name node


An alternative name node


An enum member name node


The line to which the caret moves may be the same as the line of the result of selecting [Jump to Source] (see "2.7 Jump to Defined Location").