2.5 Display Class/Function/Variable Information

You can display the class information [CC-RX], function information and variable information in the program by using a tree structure.

These information is displayed on the following Class/Member panel, which is opened by clicking the button on the Main window's toolbar.

Note, however, that the class information [CC-RX], function information and variable information in the files not to be analyzed is not displayed in this panel (see "1.1.1 What is analyzed").

See the Class/Member panel for details on the tree displayed.

Figure 2.8

Display Class Information (Class/Member Panel)


The class information is provided only when C++ source files are subject to analysis.
When C++ source files are subject to analysis, see "3.6 When CC-RX (C++ Source Files) Is Used".


The acquired information is displayed in the classes/categories tree area (top) and the functions/variables list area (bottom). When a node on the tree displayed in the classes/categories tree area is selected, the information of the node (e.g. function names/variable names defined in the selected node) will be displayed in the functions/variables list area.

You can use the [View Setting] combo box in the panel control area to classify the items in the classes/categories tree into the following five groups.

Table 2.3

Classification Methods for Tree on Class/Member Panel

Items of List


Category group (default)

Classifies and displays classes, interfaces, and other types.

Access group

Classifies and displays nodes by their access specifiers specified in their classes, etc..

Namespace group

Classifies and displays nodes by namespaces in which the class and other elements are defined.

File group

Classifies and displays nodes by the files in which the class and other elements are defined.

Alphabet group

Displays nodes in alphabetical order.

Remarks 1.

The following operations can be performed on the node currently being selected.

Remarks 2.

When the mouse cursor is hovered over a node (except for a category node), "Namespace name" to which the node belongs appears in a pop-up.