

-pirod [V1.07.00 or later]

This option enables the PIROD facility.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

The PIROD facility is disabled.

[Detailed description]


The PIROD facility makes the section to which constant data, such as const variables or string literal, is allocated position-independent.

See " Allocation of function and data to section" and "8.6 PIC/PID Facility" for details about the PIROD facility.


When this option is specified, the section to which constant data is output is changed from the const attribute section to the pcconst32 attribute section.


Referencing constant data allocated to the pcconst32 attribute section is always performed in PC-relative mode. This allows the pcconst32 attribute section to be allocated at a desired address after linkage.


When this option is specified, the predefined macro __PIROD will be valid.


If this option is not specified simultaneously with the -pic option, an error will occur.


If this option is specified simultaneously with the -Omap or -Osmap option, an error will occur.