

This chapter explains configurator cfg600.
20.1 Outline
To build systems (load module) that use functions provided by the RI600V4, the information storing data to be provided for the RI600V4 is required.
Since information files are basically enumerations of data, it is possible to describe them with various editors.
Information files, however, do not excel in descriptiveness and readability; therefore substantial time and effort are required when they are described.
To solve this problem, the RI600V4 provides a utility tool (configurator "cfg600") that converts a system configuration file which excels in descriptiveness and readability into information files.
The cfg600 reads the system configuration file as a input file, and then outputs information files.
The information files output from the cfg600 are explained below.
- System information header file (kernel_id.h)
An information file that contains the correspondence between object names (task names, semaphore names, or the like) described in the system configuration file and IDs.
- Service call definition file (kernel_sysint.h)
The declaration for issuing service calls by using INT instruction is described in this file. This file is included by kernel.h.
- ROM definition file (kernel_rom.h), RAM definition file (kernel_ram.h)
These files contain the RI600V4 management data. These files must be included only by the boot processing source file. For details, refer to "16.2.1 Boot processing function (PowerON_Reset_PC( ))".
- System definition file (ri600.inc)
The system definition file is included by the table file (ritable.src) which is generated by the mktitbl.
- Vector table template file (vector.tpl)
The vector table template file is input to the mkritbl.
- CMT timer definition file (ri_cmt.h)
When either of CMT0, CMT1, CMT or CMT3 is specified for Selection of timer channel for base clock (timer) for in Base Clock Interrupt Information (clock), the Template file (template) is retrieved from the folder indicated by the environment variable "LIB600", and the retrieved file is output after it is renamed to "ri_cmt.h". The CMT timer definition file must be included only by the boot processing source file. For details, refer to "16.2.1 Boot processing function (PowerON_Reset_PC( ))".
20.2 Start cfg600
20.2.1 Start cfg600 from command line
It is necessary to set the environment variable "LIB600" to "<ri_root>\lib600" beforehand.
The following is how to activate the cfg600 from the command line.
Note that, in the examples below, "C>" indicates the command prompt, "D" indicates pressing of the space key, and "<Enter>" indicates pressing of the enter key.
The options enclosed in "[ ]" can be omitted.
C> cfg600.exe D [-U] D [-v] D [-V] D file <Enter>

The output files are generated to the current folder.
The details of each option are explained below:
- -U
When an undefined interrupt occurs, the system down is caused. When -U option is specified, the vector number will be transferred to the system down routine (refer to "CHAPTER 13 SYSTEM DOWN"). This is useful for debugging. However, the kernel code size increases by about 1.5 KB.
- -v
Show a description of the command option and details of its version.
- -V
Show the creation status of files generated by the cfg600.
- file
Specifies the system configuration file name to be input. If the filename extension is omitted, the extension ".cfg" is assumed.
Note <ri_root> indicates the installation folder of RI600V4.
The default folder is C:¥Program Files¥Renesas Electronics¥CubeSuite+¥RI600V4.
20.2.2 Start cfg600 from CubeSuite+
This is started when CubeSuite+ performs a build, in accordance with the setting on the Property panel, on the [System Configuration File Related Information] tab.