This dialog box includes the settings for conversion from e2 studio and the old development environment (CubeSuite, HEW, PM+) project (or workspace) to a CS+ project.
For details of the method of conversion of an old development environment project, see the following. |
"2.4.11 Convert a CubeSuite project into a CS+ project"2.4.12 Convert a HEW project into a CS+ project" |

The following items are explained here.
From the [Project] menu, select [Open Project...] to open the Open Project dialog box. |
[Open Existing MCU Simulator Online/e2 studio/CubeSuite/High-performance Embedded Workshop/PM+ Project] area on the Start panel, click the [GO] button to open the Open Project dialog box. |
This area displays the conversion target project configuration tree. Select the project for carrying out the conversion settings.
Holding down the [Ctrl] key and selecting a main project node and subproject node, allows you to make a multiple project setting. |
Selecting a main project node and then pressing the [*] key, allows you to expand the selected node. |
When the input for [Place] violates any restriction, the following messages are shown in the tooltip. |
Carry out the microcontroller settings for the conversion target project.
This area will be invalid when a PM+ workspace is converted and the main project node is selected. |
Select a microcontroller type to use in the new project.
You can select the item below.
Select a microcontroller to use in the new project.
You can search a microcontroller selected in the list of microcontrollers simply.
The microcontrollers that correspond to the microcontroller type selected in [Microcontroller] are listed and categorized by their nicknames.
The following information on the selected microcontroller that is used in the project is shown in the box at right.
Displays the CS+ Update Manager window. When the microcontroller to be used does not appear in the list, you can search for the microcontroller via the network. |
This button is only enabled when this product is installed using the installer. It is disabled when a packaged item is being used. |
Because no device is selected (for example, a device category is selected), it is not possible to determine the project type. |
If there is no microcontroller which is the same as that in the source project, a different microcontroller is automatically selected. Confirm the selected microcontroller and change it as required. |
Select the session used in the new project from the drop-down list.
Only the sessions in the HEW project that are linked to the target will appear in the drop-down list.
This item is displayed only when the HEW project is converted and there are multiple sessions in it. |
Select the project type to create on [Kind of project].
When the target device is changed in this dialog box while it is open for conversion of a project created by using the CubeSuite, HEW, or PM+, the item chosen in [Kind of project] is returned to the default value (top type in the drop-down list). |
This item will be invalid when a PM+ workspace is converted and the main project node is selected. |
You can select the item below.
Select this to generate the load module file and hex file from C source files, by using the build tool provided by CS+.
The generated file will be the debug target.
Select this to generate the load module file, by using build tool provided by CS+.
The generated file will be the debug target.
Sample startup programs are not generated when the project is created.
Select this to generate a library file for a user library, by using the build tool provided by CS+.
Select this to debug a load module file or hex file generated with a build tool other than the one provided by CS+ (i.e. creates a debug-dedicated project).
See "E. USING AN EXTERNAL BUILD TOOL" for details on how to create and use the debug-dedicated project.
Directly enter the name of the project to create.
The entered project name is followed by the extension, ".mtpj" and this forms the project file name.
When the subproject is created, the entered project name is followed by the extension, ".mtsp" and forms the subproject name. |
When there is an existing project file with the same name in the location for creating the project file, the file name has a number (from 1 to 99) appended thus: "_n_". |
Select this check box when you wish to create the project in a different folder from that for the source project.
Designate the location to create the project file by directly entering it with absolute path or selecting from the [Browse...] button.
"C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\CS+ Projects\<a folder for the source project>" is displayed by default.
Note that this item is only enabled when you have selected [Create on a different place from the source project].
Opens the Browse For Folder dialog box. When a folder is selected, an absolute path of the folder is shown in [Place]. |
The number of characters that can be entered in [Project name] and [Place] is up to 259 both for the path name and file name together. |
When the input for [Project name] violates any restriction, the following messages are shown in the tooltip. |
When the input for [Place] violates any restriction, the following messages are shown in the tooltip. |
Select this check box when you wish to copy all files in the folder for the source project to the place where the project was created.When a header file is included by using the relative path from the project folder, selecting this check box will cause copying of the header file, thus reducing build errors.
Even if this check box is selected, the source file in the project tree will still indicate the file in the folder for the source project. Proceed through the following steps to indicate the source file in the new location and convert the project to the different location where the project is to be created. |
Copy the whole folder for the source project so that it is in the new location where the project is to be created. |
Delete the file specific to the development environment for the source file in the new folder if it is no longer needed. |
All files in the folder and subfolder are copied, including files which are not related to the project, with the exception of the files of the source project itself.
Note that this item is only enabled when you have selected [Create on a different place from the source project].
Select this check box to pack up and save the project source files and complete project immediately after the conversion.
This item will be invalid when a PM+ workspace is converted and the main project node is selected. |
The destination folder for saving is on the same level as the conversion target project folder, named "conversion-target-project-folder_org".
If there is an existing folder file with the same name, the folder name has a number (from 1 to 99) appended thus: "_n_".