This panel is used to display components of the microcontroller, build tool, and source file of the project in tree view.

The following items are explained here.
Project components are displayed in tree view with the following given node.
When each component (the node or file) is selected, the detailed information (property) is displayed in the Property panel. You can change the settings.
When more than one component are selected, only the tab that is common to all the components is displayed. |
See "E. USING AN EXTERNAL BUILD TOOL" for details on a debug-dedicated project. |
The name of a network path cannot be used for project tree area. Assign the name of a path on a drive. |
This area has the following functions.
If you drag the project file from the windows explorer and drop in this area, you can open the project in Main Window.
You can add subprojects by one of the following procedure.
Select Project node or Subproject node. Then select [Add] >> [Add Subproject...] in [File] or [Project] menu. Add Existing Subproject dialog box appears. Select subproject files to add. |
Select [Add] >> [Add Subproject...] in the context menu of Project node or Subproject node. Add Existing Subproject dialog box appears. Select subproject files to add. |
Select Project node or Subproject node. Then select [Add] >> [Add New Subproject...] in [File] or [Project] menu. Create Project dialog box appears. Create a new subproject file. |
Select [Add] >> [Add New Subproject...] in the context menu of Project node or Subproject node. Create Project dialog box appears. Create a new subproject file. |
You can remove a subproject from a project by one of the following procedure.
Select the subproject that you want to delete, then select [Remove from Project] in [Project] menu. |
Select the subproject that you want to delete, then select [Remove from Project] in the context menu. |
If the selected subproject is the active project, then it cannot be removed from the project. |
You can move subprojects by the following procedure.
You can run multiple CS+ and drop the subproject to a different project. In this case, the dropped subproject is copied, not moved. |
You can select multiple nodes in sequence by the following procedure.
Click or place the cursor on the start node then click with pressing the [Shift] key or place the cursor on the end node. |
You can select multiple nodes one by one by the following procedures.
You can expand the selected node by the following procedure.
You can collapse the selected node by the following procedure.
You can add a file by one of the following procedures.
The files are added below the File node.
Select either one of the Project node, Subproject node, File node or a file. Then select [Add] >> [Add File...] from the [File] menu. The Add Existing File dialog box will open. Select the file to be added. |
Select either one of the Project node, Subproject node, File node. Then select [Add] >> [Add File...] from the context menu. The Add Existing File dialog box will open. Select the file to be added. |
Copy the file using such as Explorer and then point the mouse to this area. Select [Paste] from the [Edit] menu. |
Drag a file using such as Explorer and drop it onto the location in this area where you want to add it to. |
If you drag the file using such as Explorer and drop it onto the empty space below the lower project tree, it is assumed that you have dropped it onto the Main project. |
Select either one of the Project node, Subproject node, File node or a file. Then select [Add] >> [Add New File...] from the [File] menu. The Add File dialog box will open. Designate the file to be created. |
Select either one of the Project node, Subproject node, File node. Then select [Add] >> [Add New File...] from the context menu. The Add File dialog box will open. Designate the file to be created. |
A blank file is created at the location designated in the Add File dialog box. |
You can remove a file from the project by one of the following procedures.
The file itself is not deleted from the file system.
Select the file you want to remove from the project and then select [Remove from Project] from the [Project] menu. |
Select the file you want to remove from the project and then select [Remove from Project] from the context menu. |
You can move a file by the following procedure.
The file is moved below the File node.
If you drop the file in the main project or subproject, the individual options set in the file are retained. |
If you drop the file between the different projects, or onto the main project or subproject in same project, the file is copied, not moved. |
You can add a category node by one of the following procedures.
The category node is added below the File node.
Select [Add New Category] from the context menu of either one of the Project node, Subproject node, or File node. |
You can move a category node by the following procedure.
The category node is moved below the File node.
If you drop the category node in the main project or subproject, the individual options set in the file in the category node are retained. |
If you drop the category node between the different projects, or onto the main project or subproject in same project, the category node is copied, not moved. |
You can add a folder using such as Explorer by the following procedure.
The folder is added below the File node.
The folder is added as a category.
Drag the folder using such as Explorer and drop it onto the destination. The Add Folder and File dialog box will open. Specify the file types and subfolder levels in the folder to be added. |
When there is a dependency file for a source file added to the project, the dependency file is displayed under the source file.
The display of the dependency files is updated on the following timings:
This function is valid only when the [Show dependency files in project tree] check box in the [General - Build] category of the Option dialog box is selected. |
Information on the dependency files displayed on the project tree is not saved in the project file. |
When the file added to the project is edited in the Editor panel (exclude the dependency files) and the file is not saved once, the file name is followed by "*".
If the file is saved, "*" will be deleted.
The source file icon whose option is different from the project general options (individual compile options or individual assemble options) is changed to the different one from the normal icon.
The read-only file added to the project is displayed in italic.
The file that is added to the project but does not exist is grayed out and its icon is dimmed.
The file which an error occurred during building (rapid building), rebuilding, compiling or assembling is highlighted as the example below. |
The highlight is canceled when the build option (general option or individual option) or the build mode is changed. |
The file names are all displayed in boldface right after the project is opened. The boldface display is canceled after a build is executed. |
The file that is set as non build-target is highlighted as shown in the example below.
Overlay icons of Windows Explorer set in a project, a file added to the project, and a category (only when a shortcut to the folder is set) is displayed on the left side of the ordinal icon as the example below.
The above overlay icon is provided as a sample. |
The display of overlay icons is updated on the following timings:
This function is valid only when this product is activated while the [Show overlay icons for Windows Explorer in project tree] check box in the [General - Display] category of the Option dialog box is selected. |
The category in which a shortcut to a folder is set is highlighted as shown in the example below.
The file component that is added to the project and the property of the project component are changed, the project name is followed by "*" and is displayed in boldface.
The boldface is canceled when the project is saved.
The active project is underlined.
The state of highlighting for files, read-only files, non-existent files, and overlay icons is updated by the following procedure.
The file with the specific extension is opened in the Editor panel. When an external text editor is set to be used in the Option dialog box, the file is opened with the external text editor that has been set. Other files are opened with the applications associated by the host OS.
You can open the editor by one of the following procedures.
Sorts files and Category nodes in Project tree area in order of their names. |
Sorts files in Project tree area in order of the time stamp. |
Sorts files (other than the dependency files) and Category nodes in Project tree area in order of the user definition (default). Display order is changed by dragging and dropping the file and Category node. |
Refreshes the state of highlighting for files, read-only files, non-existent files, and overlay icons. |
[[Edit] menu (Project Tree panel-dedicated items)]
[[Help] menu (Project Tree panel-dedicated items)]
If the active project is the main project, its subproject is not built. When a dependent project is set for the active project, a build of the dependent project is also run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
If the active project is the main project, its subproject is not rebuilt. When a dependent project is set for the active project, a rebuild of the dependent project is also run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
If the active project is the main project, its subproject is not cleaned. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Opens the folder that contains the project file of the selected project with Explorer. |
Displays the Windows Explorer menu corresponding to the project file for the selected project. |
Shows the cascading menu to add subprojects and files to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing Subproject dialog box to add the selected subproject to a project. |
Opens the Create Project dialog box to add the created subproject to a project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to a project. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to a project. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Adds a new Category node to the root of the File node. This allows the category name to be changed. The default category name is "New category". The new category name can be changed to the same name as the existing Category node. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Saves a set of the project and this product by copying them in a folder. |
Displays the selected project's property in Property panel. |
When a dependent project is set for the active project, a build of the dependent project is also run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
When a dependent project is set for the active project, a rebuild of the dependent project is also run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Opens the folder that contains the subproject file of the selected subproject with Explorer. |
Displays the Windows Explorer menu corresponding to the subproject file for the selected subproject. |
Shows the cascading menu to add subprojects, files, and Category nodes to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing Subproject dialog box to add the selected subproject to a project. |
Opens the Create Project dialog box to add the created subproject to a project. |
Opens Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to a project. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to a project. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Adds a new Category node to the root of the File node. This allows the category name to be changed. The default category name is "New category". The new category name can be changed to the same name as the existing Category node. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Removes the selected subproject from the project. The subproject file itself is not deleted from the file system with this operation. When the selected subproject is the active project, it cannot be removed from the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Displays the selected subproject's property in Property panel. |
Opens the Change Microcontroller dialog box to change the microcontroller. When multiple Microcontroller nodes for the projects using the same microcontroller are selected, the microcontroller settings can be changed at one time. |
Displays the selected microcontroller's property in Property panel. |
Runs a build the selected project (main project or subproject). A build of a subproject is also run when it is added in the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Runs a rebuild the selected project (main project or subproject). A rebuild of a subproject is also run when it is added in the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Runs a clean of the selected project (main project or subproject). A clean of a subproject is also run when it is added in the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Sets the current build options as the standard for the project. When a subproject is added, its setting is not made. When the build option that is different from the standard option is set, its property is displayed in boldface. |
Opens the Import Build Options dialog box to import the build options from the selected project file.Note |
Opens the Link Order dialog box to display object module files and library files to and set their link orders. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Displays the selected build tool's property on the Property panel. |
See "2.7.1 Import the build options of other project" for details about the import function of the build options. |
This node is displayed only for a debug-dedicated project (see "E. USING AN EXTERNAL BUILD TOOL").
Shows the cascading menu to add download files to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to the project as a download file. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to the file to the project as a download file. |
Adds a new Category node directly below this node. This allows the category name to be changed. Up to 200 characters can be specified. The default category name is "New category". You can also add a Category node with the same name as the existing Category node. This menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation and when categories are nested 20 levels. |
Inserts the contents of the clipboard directly below this node. However, this menu is disabled when the contents of the clipboard exist in the same project. |
Displays this node's property on the Property panel. |
Shows the cascading menu to add files and Category nodes to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to the project. The file is added directly below this node. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to the file to the project. The file is added directly below this node. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Adds a new Category node directly below this node. This allows the category name to be changed. Up to 200 characters can be specified. The default category name is "New category". You can also add a Category node with the same name as the existing Category node. This menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation and when categories are nested 20 levels. |
Inserts the contents of the clipboard directly below this node. However, this menu is disabled when the contents of the clipboard exist in the same project. |
Displays this node's property on the Property panel. |
Compiles the selected C source file. This menu is only displayed when a C source file (except a non build-target file) is selected. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Assembles the selected assembly source file. This menu is only displayed when an assembly source file (except a non build-target file) is selected. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Opens the Python Console panel to execute the selected Python script file. This menu is displayed only when a Python console script file is selected. |
Opens the selected file with the application corresponds to the file extension (see "(g) Adding a file"). |
Opens the Open with Program dialog box to open the selected file with the designated application. |
Opens the folder that contains the selected file with Explorer. |
Displays the Windows Explorer menu corresponding to the selected file. |
Shows the cascading menu to add files and Category nodes to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to the project. The file is added to the same level as the selected file. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to the file to the project. The file is added to the same level as the selected file. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Adds a new Category node at the same level as the selected file. You can rename the category. Up to 200 characters can be specified. The default category name is "New category". You can also add a Category node with the same name as the existing Category node. This menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation and when categories are nested 20 levels. |
Removes the selected file from the project. The file itself is not deleted from the file system. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Copies the selected file to the clipboard. When the file name is in editing, the selected characters are copied to the clipboard. |
You can rename the selected file. The actual file is also renamed. When the selected file is added to other project, that file name is also changed. |
Opens a message dialog box to confirm whether to change the file extension. Clicking on the [Yes] button in the dialog box will open the Character String Input dialog box, in which the extension of the selected file can be changed. When multiple files are selected, they are changed at one time. Note that this menu item is disabled if the name of the selected file cannot be changed or the file cannot be removed from the project, or the build tool is in operation. |
Displays the selected file's property on the Property panel. |
Displays this node's property on the Property panel. |
Shows the cascading menu to add files and Category nodes to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to the project. The file is added directly below this node. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to the file to the project. The file is added directly below this node. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Adds a new Category node directly below this node. This allows the category name to be changed. Up to 200 characters can be specified. The default category name is "New category". You can also add a Category node with the same name as the existing Category node. This menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation and when categories are nested 20 levels. |
Opens a shortcut to the folder that has been set for the selected category in the Explorer. This menu item will be invalid if a shortcut to the folder has not been made. |
Shows the Windows Explorer menu for a shortcut to the folder that has been set for the selected category. This menu item will be invalid if a shortcut to the folder has not been made. |
Removes the selected Category node from the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Copies the selected Category node to the clipboard. When the category name is in editing, the characters of the selection are copied to the clipboard. |
Inserts the contents of the clipboard directly below this node. However, this menu is disabled when the contents of the clipboard exist in the same project. When the category name is in editing, the contents of the clipboard are inserted. |
Displays the selected Category node's property on the Property panel. |
When more than one component are selected, the context menu of the last selected component is displayed. |
The context menu of the currently selected component is displayed in the blank area under the project tree. |