


This option applies a patch.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

The default patch is applied.

[Detailed description]

One of the following can be specified as string. An error will occur if any other item is specified.


A code is generated without using the ld.dw and st.dw instructions.


switch [V1.03.00 or later]
If -Xcpu=g3m is specified without specifying this option, generation of the switch instruction is suppressed. Specifying this option cancels the suppression and generates the switch instruction.


syncp [V1.03.00 or later]

If -Xcpu=g3m is specified simultaneously, syncp instruction is inserted at the entry of each interrupt function defined with the #pragma interrupt directive in which priority=SYSERR/FPI/FENMI/FEINT/EIINT_PRIORITYX (X: 0 to 15) is specified or neither priority nor channel is specified.

If an option other than -Xcpu=g3m is specified, this option is ignored.


br [V2.04.00 or later]
If -Xcpu=g3m is specified without specifying this option, generation of br disp9 instructions that satisfy specific conditions is suppressed. Specifying this option cancels the suppression and generates the br disp9 instruction.
If an option other than -Xcpu=g3m is specified, generation of the br disp9 instruction is not suppressed regardless of the specification of this option.


br_jr [V2.04.01 or later]

If -Xcpu=g3kh is specified at the same time, generation of br disp9, jr disp22, and jr disp32 instructions is suppressed.

If an option other than -Xcpu=g3kh is specified, this option is ignored.

The following shows the default patch that is applied when this option is not specified.


When -Xcpu=g3m is specified, the following patch is applied:


Suppressing generation of the switch instruction


Suppressing generation of br disp9 instructions that satisfy specific conditions

[Example of use]


To generate a code without using the ld.dw and st.dw instructions, describe as:

>ccrh -Xpatch=dw_access -Xcommon=rh850 main.c