

-FIX_RECORD_LENGTH_AND_ALIGN [V1.07.00 or later]

Fixes the format of data records to be output.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option is used to output an Intel HEX file or a Motorola S-record file with records of a fixed length starting from the address that has alignment with the specified number.


The address of the first record to be output should be less than or equal to the first address of a section and be the largest number that can be divided by the specified alignment number.


The specified numerical value or default value for the parameter of the -BYte_count option will be used as the length of the records.


Since the length of records is fixed, each record may include data for more than one section.


In unused areas, the value specified by the -SPace option will be output. If the -SPace option is not specified, 0 (with the -CRC option not specified) or 0xFF (with the -CRc option specified) as the default value will be output.

[Example of use]


Starting the output of records from an address that can be divided by 8, with the length of each record fixed to 16 bytes (10 in hexadecimal)

>rlink a.obj b.obj -form=hexadecimal -byte_count=10 -fix_record_length_and_align=8



If the -form={hexadecimal|stype} option is not specified, this option will be invalid.