

-RESERVE_PREFETCH_AREA [V2.04.01 or later]

This option generates and reserves a section in an area that can be prefetched.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

No section is generated.

[Detailed description]


This option generates and reserves a section in an area that can be prefetched.


An area for 16 bytes following the end of a section that can be accessed for the prefetch operation of the processor is reserved as an NOP instruction section.


The section is output with the following section name obtained from the name of the section immediately before the inserted NOP instruction.


Output section name


sss : Name of the section immediately before the inserted NOP instruction

?? : 01 to 99


If an area for the section cannot be reserved, an error occurs.



If the input file has the absolute format, this option outputs an error message and terminates execution.


If form={object | relocate | library | binary} is specified, this option outputs an error message and terminates execution.


When overlaid sections are specified by the start option, NOP instructions are not inserted for a string of sections specified as being overlaid by the start option.

Example 1.

NOP instructions are not inserted between sections C, D, F, and G and after the end code section because overlaid sections are specified.


If a section with size 0 is allocated immediately after the program section, the NOP instruction is inserted immediately after that section.