3.2.4 Linkage Map Information

The start and end addresses, size, and type of each section are output in the order of address. The following figure shows an example of linkage map information output.

*** Mapping List ***
(1)                               (2)        (3)        (4)   (5)      (6)
SECTION                           START      END        SIZE   ALIGN   ATTRIBUTE
                                 00001000  00001000        1   1       CODE
                                 00001004  00001007        4   4       ROMDATA
                                 00001008  000014dd      4d6   2       ROMDATA
                                 000014de  000050b3     3bd6   2       DATA

Item Number



Section name


Start address

**OVER** being displayed here indicates that the address exceeded the range that can be expressed by 32 bits.


End address

**OVER** being displayed here indicates that the address exceeded the range that can be expressed by 32 bits.


Section size


Section boundary alignment value


The relocation attribute is output


As the number for the alignment of code sections whose address is determined after linkage, when big endian is selected, a multiple of 4 is indicated regardless of the actual number for alignment at the time of compiling and assembling.