
Save As dialog box

This dialog box allows you to name and save a file.

Figure A.15

Save As Dialog Box


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [File] menu, select [Save Output-Tab Name].


From the [File] menu, select [Save Output-Tab Name As...].

[Description of each area]


Folder location

This is for selection of the output destination folder (folder name).


List of files

This area displays a list of files matching the conditions selected in Folder location and [Save as type].


[File name]

Specify the name of the file (file name).


[Save as type]

Select the type of the file (file type).

[Function buttons]


Outputs a file having the name specified in the [File name] and [Save as type] to the folder specified in the Folder location.


Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.