This dialog box is used to search for trace data (see "2.14.8 Search the trace data").
The search can be performed at the instruction or source level.

This section describes the following.
On the Trace panel, select |
On the Trace panel, select [Find…] from the context menu. |
Select a tab to switch the level of the search.
This dialog box has the following two tabs.
Use this area to configure detailed search parameters.
For details on the window elements and how to configure the parameters for a particular tab, see the section for the tab in question.
Searches upward (in the direction of larger to smaller numbers) within the specified range. Search matches are selected in the Trace panel. Note that if an illegal value is specified or while the program is being executed, a message will appear, and the trace data search will not be performed. If focus moves to this dialog box while the Trace panel is hidden or another panel has focus, then this button will be disabled. |
Searches forward (in the direction of smaller to larger numbers) within the specified range. Search matches are selected in the Trace panel. Note that if an illegal value is specified or while the program is being executed, a message will appear, and the trace data search will not be performed. If focus moves to this dialog box while the Trace panel is hidden or another panel has focus, then this button will be disabled. |