
Watch panel

This panel displays the content of a registered watch-expression or changes the displayed value (see "2.11.6 Displaying and changing watch-expressions").

Up to four instances of this panel can be opened at a time. Each panel is discriminated by the name "Watch1," "Watch2," "Watch3" or "Watch4" in the title bar, allowing you to register, delete or move a watch-expression independently of the panel.

Watch-expressions can also be registered from the Editor panel, Disassemble panel, Memory panel, CPU Register panel, Local Variables panel or IOR panel, as well as from this panel.

If a panel that has watch-expressions registered in it is closed, the panel is hidden, but information on its registered watch-expressions is retained. (When the panel is reopened, it opens, with those watch-expressions registered in it as they were.)

When the value of any watch-expression changes after the program is executed, the display is updated. (During step execution, the display is updated successively as the program is stepped through.)

Also, if the Realtime display update function is enabled, the display of values can be updated in real time, even during program execution.

Note that this panel can only be opened when CS+ is connected with the debug tool.


It is not possible to display or change the CPU register contents during program execution.


By double-clicking a line delimiting each area on the panel, it is possible to change the relevant area to the smallest displayable width without omitting the content in it.

Figure A.13

Watch Panel


This section describes the following.

[How to open]


Choose [Watch] from the [View] menu and then select [Watch1-4].

[Description of each area]


[Watch] area

This area displays registered watch-expressions in list form.

By clicking the table title part of this area, it is possible to sort the watch-expressions in the list in alphabetical order.

Also, it is possible to create a category (folder) as desired and display the watch-expressions, as classified by category, in tree form (see "(a) Editing a tree").

The meaning of each displayed icon is as follows:


Indicates a state that the watch-expressions belonging to this category are displayed. When you double-click the icon or click the "-" mark, the category is closed to hide the watch-expressions.


Indicates a state that the watch-expressions belonging to this category are hidden. When you double-click the icon or click the "+" mark, the category is opened to display the watch-expressions.


Indicates that the watch-expression is a variable.

The watch-expression indicating an array, pointer type variable or a structure/union is marked with a "+" or "-" at the beginning, so that when the sign is clicked, the expression expands or collapses (see “(b) Expanding/collapsing the display”).


Indicates that the watch-expression is a function.


Indicates that the watch-expression is an immediate.


Indicates that the watch-expression is an expression.


Indicates that the watch-expression is an I/O register.


Indicates that the watch-expression is a CPU register.

The watch-expression having a lower level register (part of a register) is marked with a "+" or "-" at the beginning, so that when the sign is clicked, the expression expands or collapses (see “(b) Expanding/collapsing the display”).


This area has the following features:


Editing a tree

Watch-expressions can be classified by category (folder) for display in tree form.

To create a new category, move the caret to the position where you want to create and click the button in the toolbar or select [Create Category] on the context menu, and then enter any category name.

If the need arises to delete a category, select the category you want to delete, click the button in the toolbar or select [Delete] on the context menu.

Also, if you want to edit a category name you created, select the category name you want to edit and follow one of the following methods:


Click the category name again and then edit it directly from the keyboard.


Choose [Rename] from the [Edit] menu and then edit the category name directly from the keyboard.


Press the [F2] key and then edit the category name directly from the keyboard.


After creating a category, drag-and-drop the registered watch-expressions into the category. The watch-expressions are displayed in tree form classified by category.

Similarly, the order in which categories or watch-expressions are displayed (one above or below the other) can be changed as desired by a drag-and-drop operation.

Caution 1.

No other categories can be created within a category.

Caution 2.

Up to 64 categories can be created in one Watch panel. (If an attempt is made to create more categories exceeding this limit, a message is displayed.)


If categories or watch-expressions in a Watch panel are drag-and-dropped into another Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4), the categories or watch-expressions are copied into the target Watch panel.


Expanding/collapsing the display

The watch-expression indicating an array, pointer type variable, a structure/union/class or a register (only those that bear a name representing a part) is marked with a "+" at the beginning, so that when you click the sign, the next entry is expanded for display (when expanded, the sign changes to a "-").


Contents when expanded


All elements in an array.

They can be displayed as a character string by selecting [Notation] and then [ASCII] on the context menu (up to 256 characters displayable).

However, if not displayable because of encoding type, a "." or "?" is displayed.

Pointer type variable

A variable at the destination pointed to by a pointer.


All members of a structure/union/class.


The name of a bit or bit string that comprises a register.

Example: For PSW register

IPL register, PM register, U register, I register, O register, S register, Z register, C register


Registering a new watch-expression

There are following three methods of registering a new watch-expression.


Registering a watch-expression from another panel

On another panel, perform one of the following operations on the subject that you want to register as a watch-expression:


Select the subject character string and then drag-and-drop it directly into this area on any Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4) (except for the Editor panel).


Select the subject character string or move the caret to one of subject character strings (the subject being automatically selected), and then select [Register to Watch1] on the context menu.


Choose [Copy] from the [Edit] menu to copy the subject character string and then choose [Paste] from the [Edit] menu in this area on any Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4).


The table below shows the relationship between the panels for which this operation is possible and the subjects that are registrable as watch-expressions.

Table A.5

Relationship between Panels and Subjects Registrable as Watch-expressions

Panel name

Subjects registrable as watch-expressions

Editor panel

C/C++ variablesNote 1, CPU registers, I/O registers, and assembler symbols

Disassemble panel

C/C++ variablesNote 1, CPU registers, I/O registers, and assembler symbols

CPU Register panel

CPU registers Note 2

Local Variables panel

C/C++ variablesNote 1 (local variables)

IOR panel

I/O registersNote 2

Note 1.

It represents C89, C99 and C++ variables.

Note 2.

Scope specification is automatically added to the watch-expression.


Direct registration on Watch panel

On any Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4), click the button in the toolbar or select [Add New Watch] on the context menu. An entry box for new watch-expressions is displayed at the bottom of this area.

In the [Watch] area of the entry box, enter a watch-expression directly from the keyboard and then press the [Enter] key.

The form in which watch-expressions are entered this way is as follows:

Table A.6

Watch-expression Input Form


Displayed value

C/C++ variable name Note 1

Value of a C/C++ variable

Watch-expression [Watch expression]

Element values of an array

Watch-expression. Member name Note 2

Member values of a structure/union/class

Watch-expression-> Member name Note 2

Member values of the structure/union/class pointed to by a pointer

Watch-expression.* Cast expression

Value of a pointer to member variable

Watch-expression->* Cast expression

Value of a pointer to member variable

* Watch-expression

Variable value of a pointer

& Watch-expression

Location address

(Type name) Watch-expression

Value cast to specified type

CPU register name

Value of a CPU register

I/O register name

Value of an I/O register

Label nameNote 3, EQU symbol nameNote 3, [immediate value]

Value of a label, value of an EQU symbol, value of an immediate address

Integer constant

Constant value of an integer

Floating constant

Constant value of a floating point

Character constant

Constant value of a character

Note 1.

It represents C89, C99 and C++ variables.

Note 2.

To specify a member variable of base class, specify scope before a member name.
(Example: variable.BaseClass::member)

Note 3.

If a label name or EQU symbol name contains a "$," enclose the name in braces "{ }."
(Example: {$Label})
If there is an imaginary number, multiply it by the uppercase letter "I" (example: 1.0 + 2.0*I). The letter "I" constitutes a keyword, so that when you specify "I" of a CPU register, add ":REG" (example: I:REG).


Also, scope can be specified for a watch-expression when it is registered. When a watch-expression is registered by specifying scope, it is handled as shown below.

Table A.7

Handling of a C/C++ Variable when Registered in Watch by Specifying Scope

Scope specification

Load module nameNote 1

Source file nameNote 1

Function nameNote 2

Subject to be searched





Static functions





Global functions





Static functions





AllNote 2

Note 1.

If a load module name or file name contains a space or one of the following symbols, enclose the name in double-quotes (" "). (Example: "c:\folder\prog.abs" $file.c#func)
$, #, (, ), [, ], &, ^, ~, %, +, - *, /, :, ?, ', |, \, <, >, !

Note 2.

A search is made for static functions and global functions from the scope of the current PC value in that order. Static functions out of scope are not searched for.
To specify a function defined in a name space, do not write scope. (Example: Scope::func)
Also, if functions with the same name exist, write the type of parameter expressly. (Example: func(int, int))

Table A.8

Handling of a C Variable when Registered in Watch by Specifying Scope

Scope specification

Load module nameNote 1

Source file nameNote 1

Function nameNote 2

Function nameNote 2

Subject to be searched






Static variables inside a static functionNote 2,3






Static variables inside a file






Global variables






Static variables inside a static functionNote 2,3






Static variables inside a file






AllNote 4

Note 1.

If a load module name or file name contains a space or one of the following symbols, enclose the name in double-quotes (" "). (Example: "c:\folder\prog.abs" $file.c#func#var)
$, #, (, ), [, ], &, ^, ~, %, +, - *, /, :, ?, ', |, \, <, >, !

Note 2.

To specify a function and variable defined in a name space, be sure to write scope. (Example: Scope::func)
Also, if functions with the same name exist, write the type of parameter expressly. (Example: func(int, int))

Note 3.

If the current PC value exists in a specified function, the local variables that are not declared as static also comprise the subject to be searched.

Note 4.

A search is made for local variables, static variables inside a file and global variables from the scope of the current PC value in that order. The local variables and the static variables inside a file that are out of scope are not searched for. Note, if [Yes] is selected for the [Search for global variables even outside the current scope] property, searching for global variables that are outside the current scope will also proceed.

Table A.9

Handling of a CPU Register when Registered in Watch by Specifying Scope

Scope specification

Register bank

CPU register name




Table A.10

Handling of an I/O Register when Registered in Watch by Specifying Scope

Scope specification

I/O register name





Remark 1.

A symbol name at the current caret position can be supplemented by pressing the [Ctrl] and [Space] keys together in this area. (See "2.21.2 Symbol name completion function.")

Remark 2.

Immediates are handled as a numeric value. Also, operators can be used for immediates.

Remark 3.

Arithmetic expressions using a symbol can be specified as watch-expressions.

Remark 4.

If there exist a C/C++ variable, a CPU register and an I/O register with the same name that are registered without specifying scope, the symbols are resolved in the order given below, to display values.
C/C++ variable > CPU register > I/O register

Remark 5.

If there exist a local variable and a global variable with the same name that are registered by only a symbol name without specifying scope, the symbols are resolved based on the scope of the current PC value, to display values.

Remark 6.

If a watch-expression is registered from the IOR panel or CPU Register panel, the watch-expression will have scope specification automatically added to it.

Remark 7.

If the letter "I" alone is specified as a watch-expression, it is interpreted as an imaginary keyword. To acquire the value of a register "I," add ":REG" after the register.


Registering from another application

Select a character string representing a C/C++ variable, CPU register, I/O register or assembler symbol from an external editor or the like, and then perform one of the following operations:


Drag-and-drop the subject character string into this area on any Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4).


Copy the subject character string to the clipboard and then select [Paste] on the [Edit] menu in this area on any Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4).

Caution 1.

Up to 128 watch-expressions can be registered in one Watch panel. (If an attempt is made to register more watch-expressions exceeding this limit, a message is displayed.)

Caution 2.

In a block where a variable that is the subject of operation is not used, variable data may not always exist in the stack or register, due to optimization by a compiler. In this case, even when a variable that is the subject of operation is registered as a watch-expression, the displayed value remains marked with "?."

Remark 1.

Watch-expressions registered on each Watch panel (Watch1 to Watch4) are managed separately from each other and are saved as user information on the project.

Remark 2.

More than one watch-expression with the same name can be registered.


Editing a watch-expression

To edit a registered watch-expression, double-click the subject watch-expression to put it into edit mode and then enter the content of editing directly from the keyboard. (Pressing the [Esc] key cancels the edit mode.)

When you've finished editing a watch-expression, press the [Enter] key to complete the editing.


Deleting a watch-expression

Click the button in the toolbar or select [Delete] on the context menu to delete a selected watch-expression.


Setting various events

By selecting [Access Break] or [Trace Output] on the context menu, it is possible to set various events in a selected watch-expression.

When an access-related break event is set, the icon of the watch-expression changes shape. (An event mark for break events is displayed additionally below the icon of the watch-expression.) If the event you set is a trace event, there are no changes to the mark of the watch-expression.

When an event is set, detail information on the set event is reflected in the Events panel.

However, events can be set only when the watch-expression for which you're going to set an event is a global variable, a static variable inside a function, a static variable inside a file, or an I/O register.

For details on how to set an event, see the sections listed below.


Jumping to a memory definition address

Selecting [Jump to Memory] on the context menu opens the Memory panel (Memory1), with the caret on it moved to the address where a selected watch-expression is defined. (If the Memory panel (Memory1) is already open, CS+ jumps to it directly.)

However, if multiple watch-expressions are selected at the same time or an I/O register or CPU register is selected, this operation has no effect.


Zoom in or out on a view

To zoom in and out of the Watch panel view, change the zoom ratio by using the drop-down list on the toolbar of the Main window while the focus is placed in the Watch panel.

You can also change the zoom ratio by using the [Ctrl] key + mouse-wheel combination.


Using the [Ctrl] key + mouse-wheel forward will zoom into the view, making the contents larger and easier to see (max. 300%).


Using the [Ctrl] key + mouse-wheel backward will zoom out of the view, making the contents smaller (min. 50%).


If the panel is closed after the zoom ratio is changed, the changed zoom ratio is retained (next time, the panel will open at the changed zoom ratio).


[Symbol] area

Symbols that have been registered as watch-expressions are displayed.

The display of the [Symbol] area is switched by selecting [Displays symbol column] from the context menu or toolbar.

When watch-expressions have a specified scope, the [Symbol] area is displayed without specifying the scopes of watch-expressions.


var for prog$file#func#var

When arrays, pointer-type variables, and structures, unions, or classes of the watch-expression are expanded, the [Symbol] area displays watch-expressions including the name of the parent node.


sobj.mem for the mem member expanded from the sobj structure object


[Value] area

This area displays or changes the value of a registered watch-expression.

Note that if the watch-expression is a function pointer, a function name is displayed.

The display notation (numeral representation) and encoding can be selected using a toolbar button or from the content menu. Also, it is possible to select a display form that always adds hexadecimal equivalents to the ordinary display.

Note that the default display form is automatically determined depending on the type of watch-expression, as follows:

Table A.11

Display Form of Watch-expressions (Default)

Type of watch-expression

Display form

char, signed char, unsigned char

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following ASCII character

short, signed short, short int, signed short int, int, signed, signed int, long, signed long, long int, signed long int

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following signed decimal value

unsigned short, unsigned short int, unsigned, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long int

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following unsigned decimal value

float, float _Complex, float _Imaginary

Float value (when 4 bytes in size) Note

double, long double, double _Complex, long double _Complex, double _Imaginary, long double _Imaginary

Double value (when 8 bytes in size) Note

Pointer to char, singed char, unsigned char


Encoding: Shift_JIS

Pointer to other than char, singed char, unsigned char


Array of type char, signed char, unsigned char


Encoding: Shift_JIS

bit, boolean, _boolean

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following unsigned decimal value

Enumeration type

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following enumerated constant

Label, immediate address, EQU symbol

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following signed decimal value

Bit symbol

Hexadecimal value added in "( )" following unsigned decimal value




The values of floating and complex types are rounded to an approximate value (nearest whole value) before being displayed.


The meaning of marks displayed as values of watch-expressions and their colors are as follows. (The colors in which text and backgrounds are displayed depend on how the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box is set.)

Example display (default)



Text color


Values of watch-expressions which have had their values changed by the user (Written into the target memory by hitting [Enter] key)

Background color

Standard color


Text color


Values of watch-expressions which have their display updated in real time (Realtime display update function)

Background color

Standard color


Text color


Values of watch-expressions whose values have changed as a result of program execution

Highlighting is reset by clicking the button in the toolbar or selecting [Reset Color] on the context menu.

Background color



Text color


When nonexistent variables are registered as watch-expressions, or when values of watch-expressions could not be acquired (e.g., variables gotten out of scope)

Background color

Standard color

Remark 1.

The I/O registers that may get the microcontroller operated unintentionally by a read operation are protected against reads, so that they are not loaded with values. To load the contents of the I/O registers protected against reads, select [Force Read Value] on context menu.

Remark 2.

Watch-expressions have their values acquired in the order they are registered.
Therefore, if two or more of the same I/O register are registered, their displayed values may not always the same, because their values are acquired with different timing.

Remark 3.

If hexadecimal equivalents are added, the value in specified notation and its hexadecimal equivalent are read out separately.
Therefore, the value in specified notation and its hexadecimal equivalent may not always agree, because they are acquired with different timing.


This area has the following features:


Realtime display update function

By using the realtime display update function, it is possible to display or change the value of a registered watch-expression, not only when the program is halted, but also when it is under execution.

For details about the realtime display update function, see " Displaying and changing memory contents during program execution."


Changing the value of a watch-expression

To change the value of a watch-expression, select the value of the subject watch-expression and click on it again. Then enter a new value directly from the keyboard. (Pressing the [Esc] key cancels the edit mode.)

When you've finished editing the value of a watch-expression, press the [Enter] key or move the focus to other than the edit area. The value you've changed is written into the target memory.

For details on how to change the value of a watch-expression, see " Changing the contents of watch-expressions."


Saving the values of watch-expressions

By choosing [Save Watch Data As...] from the [File] menu, it is possible to open the Save As dialog box and then save the entire content of this panel to a text file (*.txt) or CSV file (*.csv).

By selecting [Save Expanded Watch Data…] from the context menu, the Save As dialog box can be opened, and the selected contents of watch-expressions can be saved in a text file (*.txt) or CSV file (*.csv).

For details on how to save the values of watch-expressions, see " Saving the displayed contents of watch-expressions."


[Type (Byte Size)] area

This area displays the type information of watch-expressions in the form shown below.


Display form

Single CPU register

<Type of CPU register> (<SizeNote 1>)

Single I/O register

<Type of I/O register> (<Access attribute> <Access type><SizeNote 1>)

Access attribute

R: Read only

W: Write only

R/W: Read/write

Access type

1: Accessible in 1 bit

8: Accessible in byte

16: Accessible in half word
32: Accessible in word

Not determinable


Other than above

<Type of watch-expression as determined by C compilerNote 2> (<SizeNote 1>)

Note 1.

The sizes of watch-expressions are expressed in byte units.
For bit IORs and C bit fields, however, the sizes are displayed in bit units, with the "bit" notation added at the end of the value.

Note 2.

Watch-expressions are handled as having the type indicated here when they are compiled.
In the case of double/long double type, type name is output in accordance with "Precision of the double type and long double type" in the [CPU] Category on the [Common Options] Tab in the CC-RX Property panel. The type name and size are output in float type when "Handles in single precision" is selected and in double type when "Handles in double precision" is selected.


[Address] area

This area displays the address to which each watch-expression is mapped (always expressed in hexadecimal).

However, if the watch-expression is a single CPU register or not determinable, it is marked with "-" or "?," respectively.


If the watch-expression is an I/O register that is a bit register, a bit offset value is added to its displayed address, as shown below.


For a bit register mapped to bit 4 at the address "0xFF40"
Displayed content: 0xFF40.4


[Memo] area

This area allows the user to enter a comment on a watch-expression or category, freely as desired.

The contents of comments entered in this area are held separately for each watch-expression and category, and are saved as user information on the project. Therefore, if one of these watch-expressions or categories is deleted, the content of its corresponding memo is also discarded.

Note that when an array, register or the like is expanded for display, you cannot enter a comment on any expanded element.

To edit a comment, double-click the item you want to edit. The selected item is placed in edit mode. (Pressing the [Esc] key cancels the edit mode.) A character string of up to 256 characters can be entered directly from the keyboard (new-line code ignored).

When you've finished editing a character string, press the [Enter] key or move the focus to other than the edit area to complete the character string editing.



Reacquires all values of registered watch-expressions to update the display.

However, the I/O registers protected against reads are not reloaded.


Switches between display and non-display of the [Symbol] area.


Enables or disables sorting in each column.


Resets the highlighting for a selected watch-expression which indicates that its value has changed as a result of program execution.

However, this is disabled during program execution.


Registers a new watch-expression. Enter a watch-expression directly in the text box (see "(c) Registering a new watch-expression").

Note that up to 128 watch-expressions can be registered in one Watch panel.


Adds a new category (folder). Enter a category name directly in the text box.

Note that up to 64 categories can be created in one Watch panel. (No other categories can be created within a category.)


Deletes a selected range of character string.

If a watch-expression or category is selected, the item is deleted.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.


Shows the following buttons to change the display form of values.



Displays the value of a selected watch-expression in per-variable predetermined notation (default) (see "Table A.11 Display Form of Watch-expressions (Default)").


Displays the value of a selected item in hexadecimal.

Signed Decimal

Displays the value of a selected item in signed decimal.

Unsigned Decimal

Displays the value of a selected item in unsigned decimal.


Displays the value of a selected item in octal.


Displays the value of a selected item in binary.


Displays the value of a selected item in ASCII code.


Displays the value of a selected item in Float.

However, this is enabled only when a selected watch-expression consists of 4-byte data.


Displays the value of a selected item in Double.

However, this is enabled only when a selected watch-expression consists of 8-byte data.


Adds a hexadecimal equivalent for the displayed value of a selected item at the end of it, with the equivalent enclosed in "( )."

However, this does not apply when the value is displayed in hexadecimal.

[[File] Menu (Watch Panel-Only Items)]

The [File] menu used exclusively for the Watch panel is as follows. (The other items are shared.)

However, all of these items are disabled during program execution.

Save Watch Data

Saves the content of this panel to a text file (*.txt) or CSV file (*.csv) that has been saved previously (see "(c) Saving the values of watch-expressions").

Note that if this item is selected for the first time after startup, the same operation as [Save Watch Data As...] would have been selected is performed.

Save Watch Data As...

Opens the Save As dialog box in order to save the content of this panel to a specified text file (*.txt) or CSV file (*.csv) (see "(c) Saving the values of watch-expressions").

[[Edit] Menu (Watch Panel-Only Items)]

The [Edit] menu used exclusively for the Watch panel is as follows. (All other items are disabled.)


Cuts a selected range of character string and copies it to the clipboard.

If a watch-expression or category is in selected state, the item is cut.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.


Copies a selected range of character string to the clipboard.

If a watch-expression or category is in selected state, the item is copied.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.


Inserts the content of the clipboard into the caret position when text is in edit mode.

If, when text is in other than edit mode, a watch-expression is copied to the clipboard, the copied watch-expression is registered at the caret position.


Deletes a selected range of character string.

If a watch-expression or category is in selected state, the item is deleted.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.

Select All

Selects all character strings when text is in edit mode.

If the text is in other than edit mode, all watch-expressions and categories are placed in selected state.


Edits the name of a selected watch-expression or category.


Opens the Find and Replace dialog box, with its [Find in Files] tab selected.


Opens the Find and Replace dialog box, with its [Replace in Files] tab selected.

[Context menu]

Access Break


This item is usable when the selected watch-expression is a global variable, a static variable inside a function, a static variable inside a file, or an I/O register (multiple selection not accepted).

Shows the following cascaded menu to set access-related break events (see " Set a break event (access-related) to a variable/I/O register").


Set Read Break to


Sets a read-access break event in a selected watch-expression.

Set Write Break to


Sets a write-access break event in a selected watch-expression.

Set R/W Break to


Sets a read/write-access break event in a selected watch-expression.

Set Read Combination Break to

[E1] [E20]

Sets a read-access break event in a selected watch-expression as the condition for a combination break event.

Set Write Combination Break to

[E1] [E20]

Sets a write-access break event in a selected watch-expression as the condition for a combination break event.

Set R/W Combination Break to

[E1] [E20]

Sets a read/write-access break event in a selected watch-expression as the condition for a combination break event.

Trace Output

This item is usable when the selected watch-expression is a global variable, a static variable inside a function, a static variable inside a file, or an I/O register (multiple selection not accepted).

Shows the following cascaded menu to set trace-related events. (see "2.13.3 Collecting an execution history in a section" and "2.13.4 Collecting an execution history only when conditions are met").

After an event is set, a watch-expression that is the subject of operation is marked with an (b) Event mark at the beginning.


Record Reading Value

Sets a point trace event that, when a selected watch-expression is accessed for read, records the accessed value in trace memory (see "(1) When an access to a variable or I/O register occurred").

Record Writing Value

Sets a point trace event that, when a selected watch-expression is accessed for write, records the accessed value in trace memory (see "(1) When an access to a variable or I/O register occurred").

Record R/W Value

Sets a point trace event that, when a selected watch-expression is accessed for read/write, records the accessed value in trace memory (see "(1) When an access to a variable or I/O register occurred").

Record Start R/W Value

Sets a trace event that, when a selected watch-expression is accessed for read/write, causes trace recording to start (see " Setting a trace start event and a trace end event").

Record End R/W Value

Sets a trace event that, when a selected watch-expression is accessed for read/write, causes trace recording to end (see " Setting a trace start event and a trace end event").


Opens the Trace panel to display acquired trace data.

Timer SettingsNote 1

This item is enabled only when the selected watch-expression is a global variable, a static variable inside a function, a static variable inside a file, or an I/O register (plural selections not accepted).

Displays the following cascaded menu to set timer-related events (see "2.14.3 Measuring execution time in a section").

After an event is set, an event mark is displayed at the beginning of the watch-expression concerned.


Set Timer Start R/W Value

Sets an event that causes the timer to start upon read/write access to a selected watch-expression (see "(1) How to set a timer start event").


Set Timer <N>

[E1] [E20]

Specify a channelNote 2 in which a timer start event is set.

Set Timer End R/W Value

Sets an event that causes the timer to finish upon read/write access to a selected watch-expression (see "(2) How to set a timer end event").


Set Timer <N>

[E1] [E20]

Specify a channelNote 2 in which a timer end event is set.

Periodic Updating

Shows the following cascaded menu to set realtime display updating (see "(a) Realtime display update function").


Periodic Updating Options

Opens the Property panel to set the realtime display update function generally.


Reacquires all values of registered watch-expressions to update the display.

However, the I/O registers protected against reads are not reloaded.

Symbol Column

Switches between display and non-display of the [Symbol] area.

Disable Sorting

Enables or disables sorting in each column.

Force Read Value

Forcibly loads the values of I/O registers protected against reads once.

However, this is disabled during program execution.

Add New Watch

Registers a new watch-expression. Enter a watch-expression directly in the text box (see "(c) Registering a new watch-expression").

Note that up to 128 watch-expressions can be registered in one Watch panel.

Create Category

Adds a new category (folder). Enter a category name directly in the text box.

Note that up to 64 categories can be created in one Watch panel (no other categories can be created within a category).


Deletes a selected range of character string.

If a watch-expression or category is in a selected state, the item is deleted.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.


Cuts a selected range of character string and moves it to the clipboard.

If a watch-expression or category is in a selected state, the item is cut.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.


Copies a selected range of character string to the clipboard.

If a watch-expression or category is in a selected state, the item is copied.


Inserts the content of the clipboard into the caret position when text is in edit mode.

If, when text is in other than edit mode, a watch-expression is copied to the clipboard, the copied watch-expression is registered at the caret position.

However, this is disabled when an expanded item of a watch-expression is selected.


Renames the selected watch-expression/category.

Import Watch Expression...

Opens the Open Watch Expression Data File dialog box to import watch-expressions (see " Exporting/importing watch-expressions").


Shows the following cascaded menu to specify a display form.



Displays the value of a selected watch-expression in per-variable predetermined notation (default) (see "Table A.11 Display Form of Watch-expressions (Default)".)


Displays a selected item in hexadecimal.

Signed Decimal

Displays a selected item in signed decimal.

Unsigned Decimal

Displays a selected item in unsigned decimal.


Displays a selected item in octal.


Displays a selected item in binary.


Displays a selected item in ASCII code.

Include Hexadecimal Value

Adds a hexadecimal equivalent for the displayed value of a selected item at the end of it, with the equivalent enclosed in "( )".

However, this does not apply when the value is displayed in hexadecimal.


Displays a selected item in Float.

However, if a selected watch-expression is not 4-byte data or has type information, the selected item is displayed in predetermined notation (see "Table A.11 Display Form of Watch-expressions (Default)").


Displays a selected item in Double.

However, if a selected watch-expression is not 8-byte data or has type information, the selected item is displayed in predetermined notation (see "Table A.11 Display Form of Watch-expressions (Default)").

Decimal Notation for Array Index

Displays the indices of all arrays in decimal.

Hexadecimal Notation for Array Index

Displays the indices of all arrays in hexadecimal.


Shows the following cascaded menu to specify character code.



Displays a selected item in ASCII code.


Displays a selected item in Shift_JIS code (default).


Displays a selected item in EUC-JP code.


Displays a selected item in UTF-8 code.

UTF-16 Big-Endian

Displays a selected item in UTF-16 Big-Endian code.

UTF-16 Little-Endian

Displays a selected item in UTF-16 Little-Endian code.

UTF-32 Big-Endian

Displays a selected item in UTF-32 Big-Endian code.

UTF-32 Little-Endian

Displays a selected item in UTF-32 Little-Endian code.

Size Notation

Shows the following cascaded menu to specify a size.


1 Bytes

Displays a selected item as 8-bit data.

2 Bytes

Displays a selected item as 16-bit data.

4 Bytes

Displays a selected item as 32-bit data.

8 Bytes

Displays a selected item as 64-bit data.

Jump to Memory

Opens the Memory panel (Memory1), with the caret on it moved to the address at which a selected watch-expression is defined (see "(g) Jumping to a memory definition address").

Reset Color

Resets the highlighting for a selected watch-expression which indicates that its value has changed as a result of program execution.

However, this is disabled during program execution.

Save Expanded Watch Data…

Opens the Save As dialog box to newly save the selected contents of watch-expressions to the specified text file (*.txt)/CSV file (*.csv) (see "(c) Saving the values of watch-expressions").

Note 1.

[E1] [E20]
The RX100 Series other than RX140 Group does not support timers.

Note 2.

The specifiable number of channels differs between the RX600/RX700 and RX200 Series, as shown below.
RX600, RX700 Series: 2 (32 bits * 2) or 1 (64 bits * 1)
RX200 Series: 1 (24 bits * 1)