This is the start-up window that opens when CS+ is launched.
In this window, you can control the user program execution and open panels.

The following items are explained here.
In Windows 10, select Windows [Start] menu >> [Renesas Electronics CS+] >> [CS+ for CC (RL78,RX,RH850)]. |
Parts of the menus and buttons are displayed only when the corresponding plug-ins are enabled. |
Contents of each menu can be customized in User Setting dialog box.
The [File] menu displays file-related menu commands.
Closes the current project, and open the Create Project dialog box in order to create a new project. If the currently open project or its files have been modified, then the program will ask if you would like to save your changes. |
Closes the current project, and opens the Create Project dialog box in order to create a new project for the multi-core device. If the currently open project or its files have been modified but not have been saved, then you will be asked if you would like to save the changes. |
Creates a new blank file ready for editing. The default title for a newly created and unsaved Editor panel is "SourceX" (where X is the unique incremented number for creating the new source file). |
Opens the Open File dialog box for opening files and projects. |
Opens the Open File dialog box, in which you can select a file to be opened with a specific encoding, and then the Encoding dialog box, in which you can select the encoding. |
Opens the Add Existing Subproject dialog box to add an existing subproject to the project. |
Opens the Create Project dialog box for adding a new subproject to the project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box, and add the selected file(s) to the project. |
Opens the Add File dialog box, create a file with the selected type, and add it to the project. A file extension is assigned to the new file, and it is opened by the application. |
Closes the currently open project. If the currently open project or its files have been modified, then the program will ask if you would like to save your changes. |
Closes the Editor panel currently in focus. If the file has been modified, then the program will ask if you would like to save your changes. |
Saves the settings of the currently open project to a project file. |
Opens the Save Project As dialog box in order to save the settings of the currently open project to a project file with a different name. |
Opens the Save As dialog box in order to save the contents of the file currently in focus with a different name. |
Opens the Save Settings dialog box to set the encoding and newline code to use for the file being edited in the Editor panel. |
Saves all files being updated in the Editor panel and the project. |
Opens the Page Setup dialog box provided by Windows for printing. |
Opens the Print dialog box provided by Windows in order to print the contents of the active Editor panel. |
Opens the Print Preview window to preview the source file before printing. |
Displays a list of recently used files in a cascading menu to open those files. |
Displays a list of recently used projects in a cascading menu to open those projects. |
Uses this item to open the second most recently used project. |
Uses this item to open the third most recently used project. |
Uses this item to open the fourth most recently used project. |
When the rapid start is enabled, this product enters the wait state. When the rapid start is disabled, exit from this product proceeds. If there are unsaved source files, or main or subproject files, then a Message dialog box will ask if you want to save them. |
The [Edit] menu displays editing-related menu commands.
The [View] menu displays panel and other view-related menu commands.
Shows the Project Tree panel, and move the focus to it. |
Shows the Property panel, and move the focus to it. The property selected in the Project Tree panel is shown. |
Shows the Smart Browser panel, and move the focus to it. |
Shows the Smart Manual panel [RL78][RX], and move the focus to it. |
Shows the Output panel, and move the focus to it. |
Shows the Error List panel, and move the focus to it. |
Shows the Memory Mapping Profiler panel, and move the focus to it. |
Shows the Trace panel.[IECUBE][Full-spec emulator][Simulator] |
Shows the Virtual board panel. This menu is disabled in the case of devices for which the debug tool for the active project does not support the simulation of peripheral modules even if the debug tool has been connected. |
Shows the current PC location in the Editor panel. If there is no source information or source file at the PC location, it is shown in a Disassemble panel. If the Editor or Disassemble panel to show the location is already visible, then the focus will move to that panel. |
Returns to the last location before moving to the defined location. |
Jumps to the caret line in the editor indicated by the message (file, line, and column). |
Selecting this menu item maximizes the Main window without showing its title bar. Then deselecting this menu item returns the window to its former state. In full-screen display, the window can also be returned to its former state by clicking the full-screen cancellation button in the right top corner of the Main window. Note that this menu item is not selected when CS+ is restarted. |
Displays commands relating to saving and restoring the docking layout in a cascading menu. |
Saves the docking layout in slot 1. This layout can be restored via the [Restore Layout 1]. |
Saves the docking layout in slot 2. This layout can be restored via the [Restore Layout 2]. |
Saves the docking layout in slot 3. This layout can be restored via the [Restore Layout 3]. |
Saves the docking layout in slot 4. This layout can be restored via the [Restore Layout 4]. |
Restores a saved docking layout. This command restores the layout saved via the [Save Layout 1]. If no layout has been saved to this slot, the layout from the first startup is restored. |
Restores a saved docking layout. This command restores the layout saved via the [Save Layout 2]. If no layout has been saved to this slot, the layout from the first startup is restored. |
Restores a saved docking layout. This command restores the layout saved via the [Save Layout 3]. If no layout has been saved to this slot, the layout from the first startup is restored. |
Restores a saved docking layout. This command restores the layout saved via the [Save Layout 4]. If no layout has been saved to this slot, the layout from the first startup is restored. |
Returns all settings relating to the layout of the Main window docking panels to their default values. |
[Project] menu shows menu items to operate the project.
Closes the current project and opens the Create Project dialog box to create a new project. Changes the current project or file to the new one. If they have not saved, confirm the user whether to save them. |
Closes the current project, and opens the Create Project dialog box in order to create a new project for the multi-core device. If the currently open project or its files have been modified but not have been saved, then you will be asked if you would like to save the changes. |
Closes the current project and opens the Open Project dialog box to open the existing project. Changes the current project or file. If they are not saved, confirm the user whether to save them. |
Shows the cascading menu to open and add to your favorite project. |
Opens the project added by [1 Register to Favorite Project] in [Favorite Projects]. |
Opens the project added by [2 Register to Favorite Project] in [Favorite Projects]. |
Opens the project added by [3 Register to Favorite Project] in [Favorite Projects]. |
Opens the project added by [4 Register to Favorite Project] in [Favorite Projects]. |
The current project path is added to [1 path] in [Favorite Projects]. |
The current project path is added to [2 path] in [Favorite Projects]. |
The current project path is added to [3 path] in [Favorite Projects]. |
The current project path is added to [4 path] in [Favorite Projects]. |
Opens the Add Existing Subproject dialog box to add an existing subproject to a project. |
Opens the Create Project dialog box to add a new subproject to a project. |
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to a project. |
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to the file to a project. The added file can be opened with the application corresponds to the file extension. |
Adds a new Category node to the root of the File node. This allows the category name to be changed. The default category name is "New category". The new category name can be changed to the same name as the existing Category node. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Sets the selected project or subproject to an active project. |
Opens the Dependent Projects Settings dialog box to set the dependent projects. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation and any subproject does not exist. |
Changes the current project or file to the new one. If they have not saved, confirm the user whether to save them. |
Saves the configuration information of the current project to the project file. |
Opens the Save Project As dialog box to save the configuration information of the current project to the project file with another name. |
Removes the selected project or subproject from the project. The subproject files or the file themselves are not deleted from the file system. |
Opens the Smart Report dialog box to output data for quality records collectively. |
Saves a set of the project and this product by copying them in a folder. |
The [Build] menu shows menu items for the build process.
A build of a subproject is also run when it is added in the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Runs a rebuild of the project. A rebuild of a subproject is also run when it is added in the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
A clean of a subproject is also run when it is added in the project. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Toggles the rapid build function between enabled (default) and disabled. |
When you perform a change that effects the file dependencies in the compile option settings or assemble option settings of the project, updates the dependencies of the relevant files. |
Runs a build of the active project. If the active project is the main project, a build of its subproject is not run. When a dependent project is set for the active project, a build of the dependent project is also run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Runs a rebuild of the active project. If the active project is the main project, a rebuild of its subproject is not run. When a dependent project is set for the active project, a rebuild of the dependent project is also run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Runs a clean of the active project. If the active project is the main project, a clean of its subproject is not run. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
When you perform a change that effects the file dependencies in the compile option settings or assemble option settings of the active project, updates the dependencies of the relevant files. |
Opens the Link Order dialog box to display object module files and library files of the active project to and set their link orders. Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation. |
Open the Optimization Performance Comparison Tool for active project... |
Opens the Optimization Performance Comparison Tool dialog box to measure and compare the ROM size or execution speed for the case in which the build options recommended by the build tool are applied. |
Cancels the build, rebuild, batch build and clean operation. |
Opens the Build Mode Settings dialog box to modify and add to the build mode. |
Opens the Batch Build dialog box to run a batch build. |
Lists the currently set build options in the Output panel. |
See the "CS+ Integrated Development Environment User’s Manual: Debug Tool" for information about debugging.
The [Tool] menu displays tool-related menu commands.
Opens the Option dialog box. |
Opens the Plug-in Manager dialog box. |
Opens the User Setting dialog box. |
[Window] menu shows menu items to operate the window.
Splits the active Editor panel horizontally. Only the active Editor panel can be split. Other panels will not be split. A panel can be split a maximum of two times. |
If 10 or more divide panels are open, open the Other Windows... dialog box. |
The [Help] menu displays help-related menu commands.
Opens the help corresponding to the window, panel, dialog box, error message, or other object that currently has focus. |
Shows the cascading menu to select whether help information will be displayed online (in a Web browser) or offline (as before). |
Enables (the default) or disables the display of help information online in a Web browser. Online and offline are exclusive of each other. |
Enables or disables (the default) the display of help information offline. Online and offline are exclusive of each other. |
Opens the One Point Advice dialog box. |
Shows the Detail Version Information dialog box. |
Opens the CS+ Update Manager window, and begin checking for updates. |
Opens the Version Information dialog box. |
This button allows you to check for notifications from Renesas regarding the MCU you are using in the active project.
Note that the button only appears when Renesas has released new information on the MCU.
Click on this button to check new information from Renesas in the Smart Browser panel. |
This button allows you to check information which may be useful in the work you are currently doing.
Note that the button only appears when the context help items have not been read or are already in place.
Click on this button to check information which may be useful in the work you are currently doing in the Smart Browser panel. |
The toolbar shows common command buttons.
Buttons on the toolbar can be customized in User Setting dialog box. You can also create a new toolbar in the same dialog box.
In the Start & Save, the button group concerning the start button, the file operation, and the edit is displayed.
Opens the Start panel. |
Opens the Open File dialog box for opening files and projects. |
Saves all files being updated in the Editor panel and the project. |
Opens the Find and Replace dialog box, or the Trace Search dialog box if the Trace panel has focus, or the Memory Search dialog box if the Memory panel has focus, and perform the specified search. |
Searches backward in the panel being searched, using the specified parameters. |
Searches forward in the panel being searched, using the specified parameters. |
Pressing the [Enter] key leads to the execution of a quick search for the specified word.Note 1 |
Zooms in and out on the display of the panel that currently has focus. Note 2 The zoom percentage (25 to 300%) is specified by selecting it from the drop-down list or directly entering the value into the text box. It is also possible to zoom in and out on the display by moving the mouse wheel forward or backward while holding down the [Ctrl] key. |
The find (including Quick Find) and replace conditions are individually set for the Output panel and Editor panel. |
Although the displays in the following areas are zoomed in and out by moving the mouse wheel forward or backward while holding the [Ctrl] key down, this is not reflected in the zoom percentage on the toolbar |
Areas on the right sides of the [Context Help] and [Notifications] tabs in the Smart Browser panel |
Manual areas on the [IOR/SFR] (for RX) and [API] tabs in the Smart Manual panel [RL78][RX]] |
Content area on the [Sample Scripts] tab in the Python Console panel (See the "Integrated Development Environment User's Manual: Python Console".) |
Build toolbar shows buttons used in build process.
The solution toolbar includes the menus related to solutions.
The solution toolbar provides the following button and function.
Bookmark toolbar shows buttons operating bookmarks on the active Editor panel.
Note that this toolbar is disabled when the Editor panel does not have focus and the debug tool is connected (in mixed display mode).
Opens the Bookmarks dialog box for displaying the list of bookmarks. |
The following panels are displayed in this area.
Please see each panel section for the details of the contents of the display.
Press the [Ctrl] + [Tab] keys or the [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Tab] keys to display a list of the active panels and move the focus. |
Shows the function keys assigned to the currently active window, and the function keys available in the main window.
Hover the mouse cursor over a function key button to display a message about that button.
Shows a brief explanation of the currently selected menu item and the various information necessary to debug, etc.
See the "CS+ Integrated Development Environment User’s Manual: Debug Tool" for details.