
This option specifies the size of the data record to be output.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

Various data records are output according to each address.

[Detailed description]


This option outputs data with data record record regardless of the address range.


The items that can be specified as record are shown below.


HEX record


Expanded HEX record


32-bit HEX record


S1 record


S2 record


S3 record



If there is an address that is larger than the specified data record, the appropriate data record is selected for the address.

[Example of use]


To output 32-bit HEX record regardless of the address range:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -record=H32 -form=hexadecimal -output=c.hex



If the -form={hexadecimal|stype} option is not specified, this option will be invalid.


An error will occur if the -record={S1|S2|S3} option is specified when the -form=hexadecimal option is specified, or if the -record={H16|H20|H32} option is specified when the -form=stype option is specified.