
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Output Options >


-form = {Absolute | Relocate | Object | Library[={S | U}]} | Hexadecimal | Stype | Binary}




When this option is omitted, the default is form=absolute.



Specifies the output format.


Table B-14 lists the suboptions.

Table 2.14

Suboptions of form Option




Outputs an absolute file


Outputs a relocatable file


Outputs an object file. This is specified when a module is extracted as an object file from a library with the extract option.


Outputs a library file.

When library=s is specified, a system library is output.
When library=u is specified, a user library is output.

Default is library=u.


Outputs a HEX file. For details of the HEX format, refer to HEX File Format.


Outputs an S-type file. For details of the S-type format, refer to S-Type File Format.


Outputs a binary file.



Table B-15 shows relations between output formats and input files or other options.

Table 2.15

Relations Between Output Format and Input File or Other Options

Output Format

Specified Option

Enabled File Format

Specifiable OptionNote1


strip specified

Absolute file

input, output

Other than above

Object file

Relocatable file

Binary file

Library file

input, library, binary, debug/nodebug, sdebug, cpu, start, rom, entry, output, map, hide, optimize/nooptimize, samesize, symbol_forbid, samecode_forbid, section_forbid, absolute_forbid, compress, rename, delete, define, fsymbol, stack, noprelink, memory, msg_unused, show=symbol, reference, xreference, jump_entries_for_pic, aligned_section


extract specified

Library file

library, output

Other than above

Object file

Relocatable file

Binary file

Library file

input, library, debug/nodebug, output, hide, rename, delete, noprelink, msg_unused, show=symbol, xreference


extract specified

Library file

library, output





Object file

Relocatable file

Binary file

Library file

input, library, binary, cpu, start, rom, entry, output, map, space, optimize/nooptimize, samesize, symbol_forbid, samecode_forbid, section_forbid, absolute_forbid, rename, delete, define, fsymbol, stack, noprelink, record, s9Note 2, byte_countNote3, memory, msg_unused, show=symbol, reference, xreference, jump_entries_for_pic, aligned_section

Absolute file

input, output, record, s9Note2, byte_countNote3, show=symbol, reference, xreference


strip specified

Library file

library, output, memoryNote4, show=symbol, section

extract specified

Library file

library, output

Other than above

Object file

Relocatable file

input, library, output, hide, rename, delete, replace, noprelink, memoryNote4, show=symbol, section

Notes 1.

message/nomessage, change_message, logo/nologo, form, list, and subcommand can always be specified.

Notes 2.

s9 can be used only when form=stype is specified for the output format.

Notes 3.

byte_count can be used only when form=hexadecimal is specified for the output format.

Notes 4.

memory cannot be used when hide is specified.