
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Output Options >


-space [= {<numerical value> | Random}]



Fills the unused areas in the output ranges with random values or a user-specified hexadecimal value.


The following unused areas are filled with the value according to the output range specification in the output option:


When section names are specified for the output range:


The specified value is output to unused areas between the specified sections.


When an address range is specified for the output range:


The specified value is output to unused areas within the specified address range.


A 1-, 2-, or 4-byte value can be specified. The hexadecimal value specified to the space option determines the output data size. If a 3-byte value is specified, the upper digit is extended with 0 to use it as a 4-byte value. If an odd number of digits are specified, the upper digits are extended with 0 to use it as an even number of digits.


If the size of an unused area is not a multiple of the size of the specified value, the value is output as many times as possible, then a warning message is output.



When no suboption is specified by this option, unused areas are not filled with values.


This option is available only when form={binary | stype | hexadecimal} is specified.


When no output range is specified by the output option, this option is unavailable.