Software interrupt




INT src



tmp0 = PSW;

U = 0;

I = 0;

PM = 0;

tmp1 = PC + 3;

PC = *(IntBase + src * 4);

SP = SP - 4;

*SP = tmp0;

SP = SP - 4;

*SP = tmp1;




This instruction generates the unconditional trap which corresponds to the number specified as src.


The INT instruction number (src) is in the range 0 ? src ? 255.


This instruction causes a transition to supervisor mode, and clears the PM bit in the PSW to 0.


This instruction clears the U and I bits in the PSW to 0.


[Instruction Format]



Code size


INT src



[Flag Change]


This instruction does not affect the states of flags.


The state of the PSW before execution of this instruction is preserved on the stack.


[Description Example]

INT #0