Saturation of signed 32-bit data


SATurate signed 32-bit data


SAT dest



if ( O == 1 && S == 1 )

dest = 7FFFFFFFh;

else if ( O == 1 && S == 0 )

dest = 80000000h;




This instruction rotates dest left or right the number of bits indicated by src. Bits overflowing from LSB (MSB) are transferred to MSB (LSB) and the C flag.


The direction of rotation is determined by the sign of src. If src is positive, bits are rotated left; if negative, bits are rotated right.


If src is an immediate value, the number of bits rotated is 8 to 1 or +1 to +8. Values less than 8, equal to 0, or greater than +8 are not valid.


If src is a register and (.B) is selected as the size specifier (.size), the number of bits rotated is 8 to +8. Although a value of 0 may be set, no bits are rotated and no flags are changed. If a value less than 8 or greater than +8 is set, the result of the rotation is undefined.


If src is a register and (.W) is selected as the size specifier (.size), the number of bits rotated is 16 to +16. Although a value of 0 may be set, no bits are rotated and no flags are changed. If a value less than 16 or greater than +16 is set, the result of the rotation is undefined.


[Instruction Format]


Processng Size


Code size


SAT dest




[Flag Change]


This instruction does not affect the states of flags.


[Description Example]