2.4.11 Convert a CubeSuite project into a CS+ project

You can convert a CubeSuite project into a CS+ project. Select [Open Project...] from the [Project] menu with CS+, and then select a project file (*.cspj).


Select the settings for conversion

When a CubeSuite project file is selected, the following message dialog box will open.

Figure 2.29

Message Dialog Box


If you select the [Yes] button, the CubeSuite project settings are left unchanged, and the conversion to a CS+ project is carried out.

To change the microcontroller or project name, click the [No] button (continue to (2)).


Select the project for conversion settings

The Project Convert Setting dialog box will open.

Figure 2.30

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box


The [Project] area shows the configuration of conversion target projects as a tree; select the project for carrying out the conversion settings.


Set the conversion target project

When you select the project, the area on the right shows the conversion target project setting items.

Figure 2.31

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box (When Main Project Is Selected)

Figure 2.32

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box (When Subproject Is Selected)


After setting the microcontroller to be used for the conversion target project, and project type, name, and place of creation settings, click the [OK] button.

Remark 1.

When any subproject does not exist in a CubeSuite project, a subproject is not displayed.

Remark 2.

If you select [Backup the project composition files after conversion], immediately after the conversion the project source files and complete project are packed up and saved.

Remark 3.

See "Project Convert Setting dialog box" for details about each setting item.


Convert the CS+ project

The CubeSuite project is converted to the CS+ project.


A CubeSuite project is converted to a CS+ project according to the rule below.


A CubeSuite project is converted to a project with the same name as the original project. After conversion, the project file name will be "project name.mtpj".

Remark 1.

The project file after conversion is created in the folder the CubeSuite project file was placed in. If there is already a project file with the same name, "_number_" (number: 1, 2, ...) will be added to the file name.

Remark 2.

The build mode and build options information is not the target for conversion, if the build tool is different from the CubeSuite project file.