
This option specifies the section that maps symbols from ROM to RAM.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option reserves ROM and RAM areas in the initialized data area and relocates defined symbols in the ROM section with the address in the RAM section.


Specify a relocatable section including the initial value for ROM section ROMsection.


Specify a a nonexistent section or relocatable section whose size is 0 for RAM section RAMsection.

[Example of use]


To reserve the .data.R section with the same size as the .data section and relocate defined symbols in the .data section with address in the .data.R section, describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -rom=.data=.data.R -start=.data/100,.data.R/FAF00



If the -form={object|relocate|library} option, -strip option, or -extract option is specified, this option will be invalid.