This option outputs the variable/function information file.

[Specification format]

-VFINFO[=file]                    [V1.04 or earlier]
-VFINFO[=[file][(attribute,...)]] [V1.05 or later]



Interpretation when omitted

The variable/function information file is not output.

[Detailed description]


Specify the variable/function information file as file.


If the file name is omitted, vfinfo.h is output as the variable/function information file.


When the file name has no extension, ".h" is assumed as the extension.


callt, near, rom_forbid, or far_forbid can be specified for the output attribute attribute. A variable/function information file is generated as shown below, according to the output attribute. [V1.05 or later]

Variable Information

Output Attribute


No specification

#pragma saddr is output for frequently referenced variables for the amount of surplus space remaining in the saddr area.

Variables that have already been declared as saddr variables continue to be saddr variables regardless of how many times they are referenced. #pragma saddr will not be output for those variables, and the variable information will be output with those variables commented out.

Function Information

Output Attribute


No specification

or callt

#pragma callt is output for frequently called functions for the amount of surplus space remaining in the callt entry or near area.

Functions that have already been declared as callt functions continue to be callt functions regardless of how many times they are called. #pragma callt will not be output for those functions, and the function information will be output with those functions commented out.


#pragma near is output for frequently called functions for the amount of surplus space remaining in the near area.

#pragma near will not be output for functions that have already been declared as callt functions or near functions regardless of how many times they are called. The function information will be output with those functions commented out.

callt or near

#pragma callt is output for frequently called functions for the amount of surplus space remaining in the callt entry or near area.

Functions that have already been declared as callt functions continue to be callt functions regardless of how many times they are called. #pragma callt will not be output for those functions, and the function information will be output with those functions commented out.

Next, from among the remaining functions, #pragma near is output for frequently called functions for the amount of surplus space remaining in the near area. Functions that have already been declared as near functions continue to be near functions regardless of how many times they are called. #pragma near will not be output for those functions, and the function information will be output with those functions commented out.


#pragma callt or #pragma near will not be output for functions in the section specified by the ROM option.


#pragma callt or #pragma near will not be output for functions in an absolute address section or a section specified as a far area by the -start option.

[Example of use]


To output the variable/function information file to file.h, describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -vfinfo=file.h



If the -form={object|relocate|library} option, -strip option, or -extract option is specified, this option will be invalid.


If the -device option is not specified, this option will be invalid.


When the section allocation address exceeds the allowable address range, information regarding only the symbols and sections allocated within the allowable areas are output to the variable/function information file. [V1.04]


When section allocation exceeds the area specified for the object files, a warning message is output and the external variable allocation information file is output. [V1.05 or later]