
Scroll Range Settings dialog box

This dialog box is used to set the scroll range of the vertical scroll bar on the Memory panel/Disassemble panel.

By setting the appropriate range, it is possible to improve the operability of a mouse (e.g. dragging) because the size of the vertical scroll bar on the panel is changed suitably.


After setting a scroll range via this dialog box, the scroll range is not updated automatically even if the address evaluated by the address expression is changed because of such as a line assembly.


It is possible to move outside the scroll range by using the [Page Up]/[Page Down]/[Up]/[Down] key, a button at either end of the scroll bar or a menu item related to the jump function.

Figure A.49

Scroll Range Setting Dialog Box


This section describes the following.

[How to open]


On the Memory panel, click the button from [View] on the toolbar.


On the Memory panel, select the [View] menu >> [Settings Scroll Range...] from the context menu.


On the Disassemble panel, click the button from [View] on the toolbar.


On the Disassemble panel, select the [View] menu >> [Settings Scroll Range...] from the context menu.

[Description of each area]


[Start address] area

Specify the start address of the range of scrolling.

You can either type an address expression directly into the text box (up to 1024 characters), or select it from the input history via the drop-down list (up to 10 items).

Note that the setting of the scroll range is not performed if "All" is selected in the drop-down list at this time (the scroll range is not limited).


A symbol name at the current caret position can be complemented by pressing the [Ctrl] + [Space] key in this text box (see "2.22.2 Symbol name completion function").


[End address] area

Specify the end address of the range of scrolling.

You can either type an address expression directly into the text box (up to 1024 characters), or select it from the input history via the drop-down list (up to 10 items).

Note that this area becomes invalid if [Start address] is specified with [All].


A symbol name at the current caret position can be complemented by pressing the [Ctrl] + [Space] key in this text box (see "2.22.2 Symbol name completion function").

[Function buttons]




Sets the specified scroll range for the target panel.

Moves the caret to the start address, from the beginning of the area displayed in the target panel.


Cancels the jump and closes this dialog box.


Displays the help for this dialog box.