
Select Contexts on Debug target dialog box

This dialog box is used to set the contexts for debugging.

Figure A.22

Select Contexts on Debug target Dialog Box


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


On the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel, click the [...] button displayed by selecting one of the values of the [Contexts on debug target] property in the [Hardware-assisted Virtualization] category.

[Description of each area]


Area with a list of contexts for debugging

This area displays a list of contexts for debugging.

When a checkbox is selected, the selected context is handled as a target for debugging.

The checkboxes are deselected by default.

[Function buttons]




Completes the settings of contexts for debugging and closes this dialog box.

Initialize All Settings

Sets all checkboxes of contexts for debugging to their default state (deselected).


Cancels the modification of contexts for debugging and closes this dialog box.


Displays the help of this dialog box.