
Specified Section dialog box

This dialog box is used to specify the range for skipping step execution.

Figure A.52

Specified Section Dialog Box


This section describes the following.

[How to open]


On the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel, click the [...] button displayed by selecting the [Target section] property in the [Step function] category.

[Description of each area]


[Specified section list] area


List display

This area is used to display the list of the range for skipping step execution.

To add a new section, click the [Add] button in this area, then in the [Specified section property] area, specify the sections to add.






Moves the selected section up one row in the list.

Clicking this for the top section in the list has no effect.


Moves the selected section down one row in the list.

Clicking this for the bottom section in the list has no effect.


Adds an empty item "-" to the list, and selects it.

Specify the section to add in the [Specified section property] area.


Removes the selected section from the list.


[Specified section property] area


[Select section]

This area is used to display or edit the section selected in the [Specified section list] area.

It can also be used to specify the new sections added via the [Add] button.

Section select type

Specify the method for specifying the section.


Section name


Select from the drop-down list.

Available values

Section name

Specifies the range by the section name.

Start and end address

Specifies the range by the start and end address.

Section name

Specify the section name.

Note that this item appears only when [Section select type] is set to [Section name].


Directly enter from the keyboard.

Start address

Specify the start address.

Note that this item appears only when [Start and end address] is set to [Section name].


Directly enter from the keyboard.

End address

Specify the end address.

Note that this item appears only when [Start and end address] is set to [Section name].


Directly enter from the keyboard.

[Function buttons]




Finishes configuring the target sections, and closes this dialog box.


Cancels any changes to the target sections, and closes this dialog box.


Displays the help for this dialog box.