
-nosave_tfu [V3.05.00 or later]

< Compile Options / Optimize Options >





Interpretation when omitted

A code for saving and restoring the output of the trigonometric function unit (v2) is generated for all interrupt functions.



A code for saving and restoring the output of the trigonometric function unit (v2) is not generated for any interrupt function. As a result, code for operations that use the trigonometric function unit is not reentrant.


If -tfu_version=v2 is not specified, specifying this option causes an error.



The code for saving and restoring that is generated when this option is omitted is the same code generated when interrupt specification tfu is selected in #pragma interrupt. For the actual code for saving and restoring, refer to the description of #pragma interrupt in section 4.2.3 #pragma Directive.