7.4.7 <math.h>

Performs various mathematical operations.

The following constants (macros) are all implementation-defined.


Definition Name




Indicates the value to be set in errno if the value of a parameter input to a function is outside the range of values defined in the function.


Indicates the value to be set in errno if the result of a function cannot be represented as a double type value, or if an overflow or an underflow occurs.


HUGE_VALF <-lang=c99>

HUGE_VALL <-lang=c99>

Indicates the value for the function return value if the result of a function overflows.

INFINITY <-lang=c99>

Expanded to a float-type constant expression that represents positive or unsigned infinity.

NAN <-lang=c99>

Defined when float-type qNaN is supported.

FP_INFINITE <-lang=c99>

FP_NAN <-lang=c99>

FP_NORMAL <-lang=c99>

FP_SUBNORMAL <-lang=c99>

FP_ZERO <-lang=c99>

These indicate exclusive types of floating-point values.

FP_ILOGB0 <-lang=c99>

FP_ILOGBNAN <-lang=c99>

These are expanded to an integer constant expression of the value returned by ilogb when they are 0 or not-a-number, respectively.

MATH_ERRNO <-lang=c99>

MATH_ERREXCEPT <-lang=c99>

These are expanded to integer constants 1 and 2, respectively.

math_errhandling <-lang=c99>

Expanded to an int-type expression whose value is a bitwise logical OR of MATH_ERRNO and MATH_ERREXCEPT.


float_t <-lang=c99>

double_t <-lang=c99>

These are floating-point types having the same width as float and double, respectively.

Function (macro)

fpclassify <-lang=c99>

Classifies argument values into not-a-number, infinity, normalized number, denormalized number, and 0.

isfinite <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the argument is a finite value.

isinf <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the argument is infinity.

isnan <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the argument is a not-a-number.

isnormal <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the argument is a normalized number.

signbit <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the sign of the argument is negative.

isgreater <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.

isgreaterequal <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the first argument is equal to or greater than the second argument.

isless <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the first argument is smaller than the second argument.

islessequal <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the first argument is equal to or smaller than the second argument.

islessgreater <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the first argument is smaller or greater than the second argument.

isunordered <-lang=c99>

Determines whether the arguments are not ordered.


acos / acosf / acosl

Calculates the arc cosine of a floating-point number.

asin / asinf / asinl

Calculates the arc sine of a floating-point number.

atan / atanf / atanl

Calculates the arc tangent of a floating-point number.

atan2 / atan2f / atan2l

Calculates the arc tangent of the result of a division of two floating-point numbers.

cos / cosf / cosl

Calculates the cosine of a floating-point radian value.

sin / sinf / sinl

Calculates the sine of a floating-point radian value.

tan / tanf / tanl

Calculates the tangent of a floating-point radian value.

cosh / coshf / coshl

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a floating-point number.

sinh / sinhf / sinhl

Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a floating-point number.

tanh / tanhf / tanhl

Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of a floating-point number.

exp / expf / expl

Calculates the exponential function of a floating-point number.

frexp / frexpf / frexpl

Breaks a floating-point number into a [0.5, 1.0) value and a power of 2.

ldexp / ldexpf / ldexpl

Multiplies a floating-point number by a power of 2.

log / logf / logl

Calculates the natural logarithm of a floating-point number.

log10 / log10f / log10l

Calculates the base-ten logarithm of a floating-point number.

modf / modff / modfl

Breaks a floating-point number into integral and fractional parts.

pow / powf / powl

Calculates a power of a floating-point number.

sqrt / sqrtf / sqrtl

Calculates the positive square root of a floating-point number.


ceil / ceilf / ceill

Calculates the smallest integral value not less than or equal to the given floating-point number.

fabs / fabsf / fabsl

Calculates the absolute value of a floating-point number.

floor / floorf / floorl

Calculates the largest integral value not greater than or equal to the given floating-point number.

fmod / fmodf / fmodl

Calculates the remainder of a division of two floating-point numbers.

acosh / acoshf / acoshl


Calculates the hyperbolic arc cosine of a floating-point number.

asinh / asinhf / asinhl


Calculates the hyperbolic arc sine of a floating-point number.

atanh / atanhf / atanhl


Calculates the hyperbolic arc tangent of a floating-point number.

exp2 / exp2f / exp2l


Calculates the value of 2 raised to the power x.

expm1 / expm1f / expm1l


Calculates the natural logarithm raised to the power x and subtracts 1 from the result.

ilogb / ilogbf / ilogbl


Extracts the exponent of x as a signed int value.

log1p / log1pf / log1pl


Calculates the natural logarithm of the argument + 1.

log2 / log2f / log2l


Calculates the base-2 logarithm.

logb / logbf / logbl


Extracts the exponent of x as a signed integer.

scalbn / scalbnf / scalbnl / scalbln / scalblnf / scalblnl


Calculates x × FLT_RADIXn.

cbrt / cbrtf / cbrtl


Calculates the cube root of a floating-point number.

hypot / hypotf / hypotl


Calculates the square root of the sum of squares of two


parameters ( ).

erf / erff / erfl


Calculates the error function.

erfc / erfcf / erfcl


Calculates the complementary error function.

lgamma / lgammaf / lgammal


Calculates the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function.

tgamma / tgammaf / tgammal


Calculates the gamma function.

nearbyint / nearbyintf / nearbyintl


Rounds a floating-point number to an integer in the floating-point representation according to the current rounding direction.

rint / rintf / rintl


Equivalent to nearbyint except that this function group may generate floating-point exception.


lrint / lrintf / lrintl / llrint / llrintf / llrintl


Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer according to the rounding direction.

round / roundf / roundl


Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer in the floating-point representation.

lround / lroundf / lroundl / llround / llroundf / llroundl


Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer.

trunc / truncf / truncl


Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer in the floating-point representation.

remainder / remainderf / remainderl


Calculates remainder x REM y specified in the IEEE60559 standard.

remquo / remquof / remquol


Calculates the value having the same sign as x/y and the absolute value congruent modulo-2n to the absolute value of the quotient.

copysign / copysignf / copysignl


Generates a value consisting of the given absolute value and sign.

nan / nanf / nanl


nan("n string") is equivalent to ("NAN(n string)", (char**) NULL).

nextafter / nextafterf / nextafterl


Converts a floating-point number to the type of the function and calculates the representable value following the converted number on the real axis.

nexttoward / nexttowardf / nexttowardl


Equivalent to the nextafter function group except that the second argument is of type long double and returns the second argument after conversion to the type of the function.

fdim / fdimf / fdiml


Calculates the positive difference.

fmax / fmaxf / fmaxl


Obtains the greater of two values.

fmin / fminf / fminl


Obtains the smaller of two values.

fma / fmaf / fmal


Calculates (d1 * d2) + d3 as a single ternary operation.


Operation in the event of an error is described below.


Domain error

A domain error occurs if the value of a parameter input to a function is outside the domain over which the mathematical function is defined. In this case, the value of EDOM is set in errno. The function return value in implementation-defined.


Range error

A range error occurs if the result of a function cannot be represented as a value of the double type. In this case, the value of ERANGE is set in errno. If the result overflows, the function returns the value of HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VALF, or HUGE_VALL with the same sign as the correct value of the function. If the result underflows, 0 is returned as the return value.

Notes 1.

If there is a possibility of a domain error resulting from a <math.h> function call, it is dangerous to use the resultant value directly. The value of errno should always be checked before using the result in such cases.


         1   x=asin(a);
         2   if (errno==EDOM)
         3       printf ("error\n");
         4   else
         5       printf ("result is : %lf\n",x);

In line 1, the arc sine value is computed using the asin function. If the value of argument a is outside the asin function domain [–1.0, 1.0], the EDOM value is set in errno. Line 2 determines whether a domain error has occurred. If a domain error has occurred, error is output in line 3. If there is no domain error, the arc sine value is output in line 5.

Notes 2.

Whether or not a range error occurs depends on the internal representation format of floating-point types determined by the compiler. For example, if an internal representation format that allows an infinity to be represented as a value is used, <math.h> library functions can be implemented without causing range errors.

Implementation-Defined Specifications


Compiler Specifications

Value returned by a mathematical function if an input argument is out of the range

A not-a-number is returned. For details on the format of not-a-numbers, refer to section "(5) Floating-Point Number Specifications" in "4.1.5 Internal Data Representation and Areas".

Whether errno is set to the value of macro ERANGE if an underflow error occurs in a mathematical function

For the functions that set errno to the value of ERANGE, see "10.5.6 Standard Library Error Messages". The other functions do not set errno to ERANGE.

Whether a range error occurs if the second argument in the fmod function is 0

A range error occurs.

For details of the return value from fmod, see "fmod / fmodf / fmodl" in "7.4.7 <math.h>".