
Load to start atomic word data manipulation (Load Linked)



ldl.w [reg1], reg2


In order to perform an atomic read-modify-write operation, word data is read from the memory and stored in general-purpose register reg2. A link is then generated corresponding to the address range that includes the specified address.

Subsequently, if a specific condition is satisfied before an stc.w instruction is executed for this ldl.w instruction, the link will be deleted. If an stc.w instruction is executed after the link has been deleted, stc.w execution will fail.

If an stc.w instruction is executed while the link is still available, stc.w execution will succeed. The link is also deleted in this case.

The ldl.w and stc.w instructions can be used to accurately update the memory in a multi-core system.


Use the ldl.w and stc.w instructions instead of the caxi instruction if an atomic guarantee is required when updating the memory in a multi-core system.



The assembler generates one ldl.w machine instruction.










