Open dialog box

This dialog box reads the analysis information saved as task analyzer trace data and displays the information in the Child-panel display area on the Realtime OS Task Analyzer panel.

Figure A.10

Open Dialog Box


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


Select [Opens trace data...] from the menu list located on the Toolbar on the Realtime OS Task Analyzer panel.

[Description of each area]


[Look in]

Selects a folder containing the task analyzer trace data.


List of files

Lists the files that meet the conditions selected in [Look in] and [Files of type].


[File name]

Specifies the name of the file containing the task analyzer trace data to be read.


[Files of type]

Selects "Task analyzer trace data (*.tad)" as the type of the file to be read.

[Function buttons]


From the folder specified in [Look in], read the file specified in [File name] and [Files of type] to display the applicable information on the Analysis Result panel.


Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.