ld, st


The device has the following ld and st instructions, and each instruction has a disp16 or disp23 operand.


(1) LD.B, LD.BU, LD.H, LD.HU, LD.W


(2) ST.B, ST.H, ST.W


In asrh, the following mnemonics need to be specified when disp23 is to be explicitly specified for these instructions.


(1) ld23.b, ld23.bu, ld23.h, ld23.hu, ld23.w


(2) st23.b, st23.h, st23.w



The device also has the following ld and st instructions.


(3) LD.DW


(4) ST.DW


In asrh, these instructions can be specified in either format because the meaning is the same.


(3) ld.dw, ld23.dw


(4) st.dw, st23.dw



If any of the following is specified for disp16, the assembler performs instruction expansion to generate multiple machine instructions.


Absolute expression having a value exceeding the range of -32,768 to +32,767, but within the range of -4,194,304 to +4,194,303

ld.w    disp[reg1], reg2
ld.w    disp23[reg1], reg2


Absolute expression having a value exceeding the range of -4,194,304 to +4,194,303

ld.w    disp[reg1], reg2
movhi   HIGHW1(disp), reg1, r1
ld.w    LOWW(disp)[r1], reg2


Relative expression having #label or label, or that having $label for a label having definition in the sdata/sbss-attribute section

ld.w    #label[reg1], reg2
movhi   HIGHW1(#label), reg1, r1
ld.w    LOWW(#label)[r1], reg2
ld.w    label[reg1], reg2
movhi   HIGHW1(label), reg1, r1
ld.w    LOWW(label)[r1], reg2
ld.w    $label[reg1], reg2
movhi   HIGHW1($label), reg1, r1
ld.w    LOWW($label)[r1], reg2



If disp is omitted, the assembler assumes 0.


If an absolute expression, a relative expression having !label, a relative expression having #label, or a relative expression having #label and with LOWW applied is specified as disp, [reg1] can be omitted. If omitted, the assembler assumes that [r0] is specified.


If a relative expression having $label, or a relative expression having $label and with LOWW applied, is specified as disp, [reg1] can be omitted. If omitted, the assembler assumes that [gp] is specified.


If a relative expression having %label is specified as disp, [reg1] can be omitted. If omitted, the assembler assumes that [ep] is specified.