push, pushm, pop, popm


The push, pushm, pop, and popm instructions are directives that are not available in the device.

They push the values of specified registers to the stack area or pop the values of specified registers from the stack area.



In asrh, these instructions should be specified in the following formats.


push reg1


pushm reg1, reg2, ..., regN


pop reg1


popm reg1, reg2, ..., regN



The instructions are expanded as shown below and multiple machine-language instructions are generated.


Result of Assembly

push    reg1
add     -4, sp
st.w    reg1, 0[sp]
pushm   reg1, reg2, …, regN
addi    -4 * N, sp, sp
st.w    regN, 4 * (N - 1)[sp]
st.w    reg2, 4 * 1[sp]
st.w    reg1, 4 * 0[sp]
pop     reg1
ld.w    0[sp], reg1
add     4, sp
popm    reg1, reg2, …, regN
ld.w    4 * 0[sp], reg1
ld.w    4 * 1[sp], reg2
ld.w    4 * (N - 1)[sp], regN
addi    4 * N, sp, sp


The values of PSW are undefined because the add or addi instruction is used.
We recommend the use of the pushsp or popsp instruction provided by the device.