20.14 Mailbox Information (mailbox[])
Here, each mailbox is defined.


Parentheses < >show the user input part.

 mailbox[ <1. ID number> ] {
     name          = <2. ID name (name)>;
     wait_queue    = <3. Wait queue attribute (wait_queue)>;
     message_queue = <4. Message queue attribute (message_queue)>;
     max_pri       = <5. Maximum message priority (max_pri)>;

1 ) ID number

- Description
Define the mailbox ID number.

- Definition format
Numeric value

- Definition range
From 1 to 255

- When omitting
The cfg600px assigns the ID number automatically.

2 ) ID name (name)

- Description
Define the ID name. The specified ID name is output to the system information header file (kernel_id.h) in the form of the following.

 #define   <ID name>   <ID number>
- Definition format

- Definition range

- When omitting
Cannot be omitted.

3 ) Wait queue attribute (wait_queue)

- Description
Define the wait queue attribute.

- Definition format

- Definition range
Select either of the following:


TA_TPRI: Task current priority order
Among tasks with the same current priority, they are queued in FIFO order.

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: TA_TFIFO) applied.

4 ) Message queue attribute (message_queue)

- Description
Define the message queue attribute.

- Definition format

- Definition range
Select either of the following:

TA_MFIFO: The order of the message transmission request.

TA_MPRI: Message priority order

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: TA_MFIFO) applied.

5 ) Maximum message priority (max_pri)

- Description
When TA_MPRI is specified for message_queue, the message priority from 1 to max_pri can be used.
When TA_MFIFO is specified for message_queue, this item is only disregarded.

- Definition format
Numeric value

- Definition range
From 1 to Maximum message priority (message_pri) in System Information (system)

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: 1) applied.