20.17 Fixed-sized Memory Pool Information (memorypool[])
Here, each fixed-sized memory pool is defined.


Parentheses < >show the user input part.

 memorypool[ <1. ID number> ] {
     name       = <2. ID name (name)>;
     siz_block  = <3. The size of the fixed-sized memory block (siz_block)>;
     num_block  = <4. The number of the fixed-sized memory block (num_block)>;
     section    = <5. Section name assigned to the memory pool area (section)>
     wait_queue = <6. Wait queue attribute (wait_queue)>;

1 ) ID number

- Description
Define the fixed-sized memory pool ID number.

- Definition format
Numeric value

- Definition range
From 1 to 255

- When omitting
The cfg600px assigns the ID number automatically.

2 ) ID name (name)

- Description
Define the ID name. The specified ID name is output to the system information header file (kernel_id.h) in the form of the following.

 #define   <ID name>   <ID number>
- Definition format

- Definition range

- When omitting
Cannot be omitted.

3 ) The size of the fixed-sized memory block (siz_block)

- Description
Define the size of the fixed-sized memory block in bytes.

- Definition format
Numeric value

- Definition range
From 1 to 65535

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: 256) applied.

4 ) The number of the fixed-sized memory block (num_block)

- Description
Define the number of the fixed-sized memory block.

- Definition format
Numeric value

- Definition range
From 1 to 65535

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: 1) applied.

5 ) Section name assigned to the memory pool area (section)

- Description
Define the section name to be assigned to the fixed-sized memory pool area.
The cfg600px generates the fixed-sized memory pool area with the size calculated by "siz_block * num_block" to the section specified by section. The section attribute is "DATA", and the alignment number is 4.
When linking, be sure to locate this section in the RAM area. Note, this section must not be located to address 0.

- Definition format

- Definition range

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: BRI_HEAP) applied.

6 ) Wait queue attribute (wait_queue)

- Description
Define the wait queue attribute.

- Definition format

- Definition range
Select either of the following:


TA_TPRI: Task current priority order
Among tasks with the same current priority, they are queued in FIFO order.

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: TA_TFIFO) applied.