20.8 Domain Definition (domain[])
Here, each domain is defined. The domain that is not defined by this static API is handled as "trust = NO".


Parentheses < >show the user input part.

 domain[ <1. ID number> ] {
     trust          = <2. Trusted domain (trust)>;

1 ) ID number

- Description
Define the domain ID number.

- Definition format
Numeric value

- Definition range
From 1 to 15

- When omitting
Cannot be omitted.

2 ) Trusted domain (trust)

- Description
Define whether the domain is Trusted Domain.

- Definition format

- Definition range
Select either of the following:

YES: The domain is trusted domain.

OFF: The domain is not trusted domain.

- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: "NO") applied.