
Find and Replace dialog box

This dialog box is used to find and replace the designated characters.

Figure A.8

Find and Replace Dialog Box


The button in [Search text] will be displayed only if this dialog box is opened from the Editor panel.


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Edit] menu, select [Find...].


From the [Edit] menu, select [Replace...].


[Ctrl] + [F] key, [Ctrl] + [R] key, [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F] key or [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R] key.

[Description of each area]


Tab selection area

Find/replace is switched when a tab is selected.

This dialog box has the following tabs.


Search/replace criteria setting area

Detailed criteria for searching/replacing is set.

Please see the description of the relevant tabs for details of the contents/how to set.

[Function buttons]

Buttons for execute find/replace.

Please see the description of the relevant buttons for details.