
Editor panel

This panel is used to display and edit files.

Furthermore, the source level debugging, instruction level debugging and the code coverage measurement result displayNote can be performed when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened in this panel.

The code data, label and disassembled text can be displayed combined with the source text by selecting the Mixed display mode (see "2.9Change Display Mode").

When opened the file encoding and newline code is automatically detected and retained when it is saved. You can open a file with a specific encoding selected in the Encoding dialog box. If the encoding and newline code is specified in the Save Settings dialog box then the file is saved with those settings.

This panel can be opened multiple times (up to 100 panels).


The code coverage measurement result is displayed only when the selected debug tool supports the coverage function.

Caution 1.

When a project is closed, all of the Editor panels displaying a file being registered in the project are closed.

Caution 2.

When a file is excluded from a project, the Editor panel displaying the file is closed.

Figure A.1

Editor Panel (When Disconnected from Debug Tool)

Figure A.2

Editor Panel (When Connected to Debug Tool)

Figure A.3

Editor Panel (When Code Coverage Measurement Result Is Displayed)

Figure A.4

Editor Panel (When Mixed Display Mode Is Selected)

Remark 1.

This panel can be zoomed in and out by in the tool bar, or by moving the mouse wheel forward or backward while holding down the [Ctrl] key.

Remark 2.

When a file whose size is greater than 24MB is opened, a message dialog box is shown for confirmation of whether or not to disable all of the functions listed below (if you select [No] in this message dialog box, the operation speed may become sluggish).


Syntax (reserved words, comments, etc.) coloring


This section describes the following.

[How to open]


On the Project Tree panel, double-click a file.


On the Project Tree panel, select a file, and then select [Open] from the context menu.


On the Project Tree panel, select a file, and then select [Open with Internal Editor...] from the context menu.


Automatically opens after downloading the load module file with debug information.


On the Project Tree panel, select [Add] >> [Add New File...] from the context menu, and then create a text file or source file.


On the Disassemble panel, Call Stack panel, Trace panel, or Events panel, select [Jump to Source] from the context menu.


Automatically opens if there is a source text line corresponding to the current PC value when the current PC value is forcibly changed or the program stops executing.

[Description of each area]


Title bar

The name of the opened file is displayed.

Marks displayed at the end of the file name indicate the following:




The file has been modified since being opened.


Update time and date of the source file opened are later than the one of the downloaded load module file.

Note that this mark is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened.


The recycle mode (see "2.11Display Multiple Source Files Sequentially in a Single Panel") is valid.

Note that this mark is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened.

(Read only)

The opened file is read only.


Column header

The title of each column on the Editor panel is displayed.

Hovering the mouse cursor over this area displays the title name.


Title Name




Displays line numbers (see "(4)Line number area").

(No display)


The display is colored to reflect the state in terms of saving of the state of editing (see "(5)Selection area").

However, this column is not displayed in the Mixed display mode.

(No display)

Out of Date Module Indicator

The display is colored to reflect cases where a source file has been updated more recently than the corresponding load module file (see "(6)Out of date module Indicator area").

However, this column is not displayed when disconnected from the debug tool or in the Mixed display mode.



Displays the coverage information (see "(7)Coverage area").

However, this column is not displayed when disconnected from the debug tool.



Displays addresses (see "(8)Address area").

However, this column is not displayed when disconnected from the debug tool.

Op code

Op code

Displays instruction codes (see "(9)Op code area").

However, this column is displayed only in the Mixed display mode.



Displays labels (see "(10)Label area").

However, this column is displayed only in the Mixed display mode.



Sets events (see "(11)Event area").

However, this column is not displayed when disconnected from the debug tool.



Displays bookmarks, address marks and the current PC mark.

Furthermore, sets breakpoints (see "(12)Main area").


Show/hide of the column header can be switched by the setting of the toolbar.


Splitter bars

This item splits the panel.

For details on how to do it, see "2.3Split the Panel".


The split is enabled only when this panel is in the normal display mode (setting to the Mixed display mode removes the split).


Line number area

This area displays the line number of the opened file.


Selection area

This area displays the following indicators that shows the line modification status (except in the Mixed display mode).


This means new or modified line but unsaved.


This means new or modified line and saved.

To erase this mark, close the panel, and then open this source file again.


Out of date module Indicator area

This area is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened (except in the Mixed display mode).

If the update time and date of the source file opened are later than the one of the downloaded load module file, the following indicator is displayed (the color of the indicator depends on the "Warning" color of the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box).

To erase this mark, run a build and then download the load module file again.


Coverage area

This area is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened.

When the coverage function is valid, lines corresponding to the specified coverage measurement area are shown highlighted based on the code coverage measurement result that is acquired by executing the program (the color depends on the coverage color in the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box).

For details on the coverage function, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Address area

This area is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened.

This area shows the address corresponding to where the instruction is located in the memory space of the selected microcontroller.

The format of this area is fixed as hexadecimal number notation.

The address width corresponds to the one in memory space of the selected microcontroller in the project.


Op code area

This area is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened in the Mixed display mode.

This area shows the instruction code corresponding to the source text.


Label area

This area is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened in the Mixed display mode.

This area shows the label name when a label is defined for the address.


Event area

This area is valid only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened.

This area displays event marks that indicate various events that are currently set and can be used to set or delete various events.

By selecting a item from the context menu on the line that has the address mark ( ), a Timer Result event, Performance Measurement event, Trace event or action event (Printf event) can be set/deleted (see "2.12Set/delete Various Events").

In a project for which measurement of current consumption by the MCU is enabled, you can also set, delete, enable, or disable monitor points in the event area. [RL78]


Setting of monitor points for current is only possible when you are using an E2 emulator as the debug tool and an MCU other than the RL78/G10.


For details on the event marks and measurement of the current consumption, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Main area

This area is provided with the following functions.


Error marks and warning marks display

When an error or warning has been output via the last build commandNote, an error mark ( ) or warning mark ( ) is displayed at the corresponding line.

To erase these marks, run a clean.


Compiling or assembling of source files and running a build, rebuild, or rapid build of the project

Figure A.5

Error Marks and Warning Marks Display

Caution 1.

This function is disabled when connected to the debug tool.

Caution 2.

This function targets only a source file that have been registered in the project.

Caution 3.

Even when the line number of the source text is changed by modifying, the position of a mark currently being displayed is not moved.


Bookmarks display

Bookmarks ( ) that have been registered are displayed (see "2.8Register Bookmarks").


This function is disabled when the Mixed display mode is selected.


The following functions are also available when the debug tool is connected and a downloaded source file is open.


Address marks display

Address marks ( ) are displayed at lines that have valid addresses.

Breakpoints or various events can be set at lines with the address mark.


Current PC mark display

The current PC mark ( ) that corresponds to the current PC position (PC register value) is displayed.

Note that the current PC mark is only displayed if the current PC value corresponds to the source text line, when the state of the debug tool is changed from execution to stop.


When the Mixed display mode is selected, if the unit of step execution is set to instruction level by selecting the button on the toolbar, then the current PC mark will be moved to a disassembled text line.


Setting/deleting of breakpoints

This area displays event marks that indicate breakpoints currently being set and sets/deletes breakpoints.

By clicking the line that has the address mark ( ) with the mouse, the breakpoints can be set easily (see "2.12Set/delete Various Events").

Remark 1.

Setting a breakpoint and changing the state of a breakpoint can also be done from the context menu in this area.

Remark 2.

For details on the event marks, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Setting/deleting of the insertion point for the dbtag instruction for measuring the CAN bus reception processing time [E2 emulator [RH850]]

This area displays the insertion point for the dbtag instruction for measuring the CAN bus reception processing time currently being set and sets/deletes the insertion point.

To set or delete a point where the dbtag instruction is to be inserted, use the [Set Measuring CAN Bus Reception Processing Time] cascading menu item from the context menu.


Measurement of CAN bus reception processing times is only available if you are using V1.06 or a later version of the CC-RH compiler and an RH850 MCU that includes an RS-CAN, RS-CANFD, or MCAN module.


For details on the solution for measuring the CAN bus reception processing time, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Characters area

This area displays character strings of files and you can edit it.

This area is provided with the following functions.


Characters editing

Characters can be entered from the keyboard.

Various shortcut keys can be used to enhance the edit function (see "2.4Edit Characters").


This function is disabled when the Mixed display mode is selected.


Customization of basic display

The following items can be customized by setting the Option dialog box (the Option dialog's category name to customize the item is shown in "()". For details on the Option dialog box, see "CS+ Project Operation").


Display fonts ([General - Font and Color] category)


Tab width ([General - Display] category)


Show or hide white space marks ([Text Editor - General / Debug] category)


Color of syntax (reserved words, comments, etc.) ([Text Editor - General / Debug] category)


Highlighting the current line ([Text Editor - General / Debug] category) (see "2.4.1Highlight the current line")


About reserved words:
For I/O registers [RH850][RX]/SFRs [RL78], reserved words that are defined in the device dependent information file are highlighted (i.e. the character strings that are displayed in the IOR panel [RH850][RX]/SFR panel [RL78] of the debug tool are highlighted).
Unlike the definition of iodefine.h, a build error may occur.


Emphasizing brackets

The bracket that corresponds to a bracket at the caret position is shown emphasized (see "2.4.2Emphasize brackets").


Multiple lines selection and block selection

You can select multiple lines or a block that consists of multiple lines (see "2.4.3Select characters").


The information on bookmarks is not included in the selected contents.


Code outlining

When a C/C++ source file or a header file is opened, you can expand and collapse source code blocks so that you can concentrate on the areas of code which you are currently modifying or debugging (see "2.4.5Use code outlining").


This function is disabled when the Mixed display mode is selected.


Smart edit function

The smart edit function is used to complement the names of functions, variables and the arguments of functions during input and offer them as candidates (see "2.4.6Use the smart edit function").

The smart edit function operates with the items listed below.


Jump to functions or variables

It automatically recognizes the currently selected characters or the word at the caret position as the function name or the variable name and jumps to the target function or variable (see "2.6Jump to Functions or Variables").


Tag jump

If the information of a file name, a line number and a column number exists in the line at the caret position, selecting [Tag Jump] from the context menu opens the file in a new Editor panel and jumps to the corresponding line and the corresponding column (see "2.7Jump to a Desired Line (Tag Jump)").


Registration of bookmarks

By clicking the button on the bookmark toolbar or selecting [Bookmark] >> [Toggle Bookmark] from the context menu on this area, a bookmark can be registered to the line at the caret position (see "2.8Register Bookmarks").


This function is disabled when the Mixed display mode is selected.


File monitor

If the contents of the currently displayed file is changed (including renaming or deleting) without using CS+, a message will appear asking you whether you wish to update the file or not.


The following functions are also available when the debug tool is connected and a downloaded source file is open.


Highlighting the current PC line

When the current PC position (PC register value) corresponds to the source text lines, those lines are shown highlighted (the highlighting color depends on the current PC color in the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box).


Highlighting lines with breakpoints

Lines where the breakpoints are set are shown highlighted (the highlighting color depends on the breakpoint color in the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box).


Code coverage measurement result display

When the debug tool to be used supports the coverage function and its function is enabled, then lines corresponding to the specified coverage measurement area are shown highlighted based on the code coverage measurement result that is acquired by executing the program (the highlighting color depends on the coverage color in the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box).

For details on the coverage function, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Pop-up display of variables

When hovering the mouse cursor over a variable in the source text, a pop-up that shows the name and value of the variable is displayed (see "2.10Display Variables").


When hovering the mouse cursor over a constant, a pop-up that shows the value the same as the constant value is displayed because a constant is interpreted as a numeric value.


Setting of various events

By selecting a item from the context menu on the line that has the address mark ( ), various events can be set (see "2.12Set/delete Various Events").


Registration of watch expressions

C+C++ language variable, CPU registers, I/O registers [RH850][RX]/SFRs [RL78], and assembler symbols can be registered in the Watch panel as watch expressions.

For details on how to register watch expressions, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Highlighting the character string for the search

When search, replace, or incremental search operations proceed, all character strings for the search in the characters area are highlighted by a beige background color except in the case of searches with wildcards or in the [Match whole word] checkbox. Highlighting of the character string for the search is canceled by pressing the [Esc] key.



Toggles between the normal display mode (default) and the mixed display mode, as the display mode of this panel (see "2.9Change Display Mode").

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened in this panel.


Toggles between source (default) and instruction level, as the unit in which the program is step-executed.

When the unit of a step execution is set to instruction level, then the current PC mark will be moved to a disassembled text line

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool and the downloaded source file is opened in this panel.


Displays the current PC position.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool.


Forwards to the position before operating [Back To Last Cursor Position].

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Goes back to the position before operating [Jump to Function or Variable]/[Find...]/[Go To...]/[Next Bookmark]/[Previous Bookmark] or moving the caret by clicking the mouse.

The jump history is cleared when all of the Editor panel currently being opened are closed.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


The following items are displayed to show or hide the columns or marks on all of the Editor panels.

Remove the check to hide the items (all the items are checked by default).

This setting is reflected in all the Editor panels.


Line Number

Shows the line number, in the line number area.


Shows the mark that indicates the line modification status, in the line number area.

Out of date module indicator

Shows the mark that indicates the update status of the downloaded load module file, in the line number area.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool.


Shows the coverage area.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool.


Shows the address area.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool.

Op Code

Shows the code area.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool and the mixed display mode is selected.


Shows the label area.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool and the mixed display mode is selected.


Shows the event area.

Note that this item is enabled only when connected to the debug tool.


Shows the main area.

Column Header

Shows the column header.

[[File] menu (Editor panel-dedicated items)]

The following items are exclusive for the [File] menu in the Editor panel (other items are common to all the panels).

Close file name

Closes the currently editing Editor panel.

When the contents of the panel have not been saved, a confirmation message is shown.

Save file name

Overwrites the contents of the currently editing Editor panel.

When the file has never been saved or the file is read only, the same operation is applied as the selection in [Save file name As...].

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Save file name As...

Opens the Save As dialog box to newly save the contents of the currently editing Editor panel.

Note that if this panel is in the mixed display mode, then "file name" will be changed to "Source Mixed Data".

File name Save Settings...

Opens the Save Settings dialog box to change the encoding and newline code of the file being opened in the currently editing Editor panel.

Page Setup...

This item is always disabled.


Opens the Windows dialog box for printing the contents of the currently editing Editor panel.

Print Preview

Opens the Print Preview window to preview the file contents to be printed.

[[Edit] menu (Editor panel-dedicated items)]

The following items are exclusive for [Edit] menu in the Editor panel (all other items are disabled).


Cancels the previous operation and restores the characters and the caret position (up to 100 times).

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Cancels the previous [Undo] operation and restores the characters and the caret position.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Cuts the selected character string and copies it to the clipboard.

If there is no selection, the entire line is cut.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Copies the contents of the selected range to the clipboard as character string(s).

If there is no selection, the entire line is copied.


Inserts (insert mode) or overwrites (overwrite mode) the characters that are copied on the clip board into the caret position.

Note that this item is disabled when the contents of the clipboard are not recognized as characters or this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Deletes one character at the caret position.

When there is a selection area, all the characters in the area are deleted.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Select All

Selects all the characters from beginning to the end in the currently editing text file.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Opens the Find and Replace dialog box with selecting [Quick Find] tab.


Opens the Find and Replace dialog box with selecting [Quick Replace] tab.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Go To...

Opens the Go to Line dialog box to move the caret to the specified line.


Displays a cascading menu for bookmarks (see "2.8Register Bookmarks").


Toggle Bookmark

Inserts/deletes a bookmark on the line at the current caret position.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Next Bookmark

Moves a caret to the position of the next bookmark, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:

No bookmark is registered.

A bookmark is registered only in one line with a caret.

This panel is in the mixed display mode.

Previous Bookmark

Moves a caret to the position of the previous bookmark, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:

No bookmark is registered.

A bookmark is registered only in one line with a caret.

This panel is in the mixed display mode.

Clear All Bookmarks

Clears all the registered bookmarks, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:

No bookmark is registered.

This panel is in the mixed display mode.

List Bookmarks...

Opens the Bookmarks dialog box for displaying the list of bookmarks.

Note that this item is disabled when the project is closed.


Displays a cascading menu for controlling expand and collapse states of source file outlining (see "2.4.5Use code outlining").

Note that these items are disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Collapse to Definitions

Collapses all nodes that are marked as implementation blocks (e.g. function definitions).

Toggle Outlining Expansion

Toggles the current state of the innermost outlining section in which the cursor lies when you are in a nested collapsed section.

Toggle All Outlining

Toggles the collapsed state of all outlining nodes, setting them all to the same expanded or collapsed state. If there is a mixture of collapsed and expanded nodes, all nodes will be expanded.

Stop Outlining

Stops code outlining and remove all outlining information from source files.

Start Automatic Outlining

Starts automatic code outlining and automatically displayed in supported source files.


Displays a cascading menu for performing an advanced operation for the Editor panel.

Note that these items are disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Increase Line Indent

Increases the indentation of the current cursor line by one tab.

Decrease Line Indent

Decreases the indentation of the current cursor line by one tab.

Uncomment Lines

Removes the first set of line-comment delimiters from the start of the current cursor line, appropriate to the current language. This operation will only be available when the language of the current source file has line-comment delimiters specified.

Comment Lines

Places line-comment delimiters at the start of the current cursor line, appropriate to the current language. This operation will only be available when the language of the current source file has line-comment delimiters specified.

Convert Tabs to Spaces

Converts all tabs on the current cursor line into spaces.

Convert Spaces to Tabs

Converts each set of consecutive space characters on the current line to tab characters, but only for those sets of spaces that are at least equal to one tab size.

Tabify Selected Lines

Tabifies the current line, causing all spaces at the start of the line (prior to any text) to be converted to tabs where possible.

Untabify Selected Lines

Untabifies the current line, causing all tabs at the start of the line (prior to any text) to be converted to spaces.

Make Uppercase

Converts all letters within the selection to uppercase.

Make Lowercase

Converts all letters within the selection to lowercase.

Toggle Character Casing

Toggles the character cases (uppercase / lowercase) of all letters within the selection.


Capitalizes the first character of every word within the selection.

Delete Horizontal Whitespace

Deletes any excess white space either side of the cursor position, leaving only one whitespace character remaining. If there the cursor is within a word or not surrounded by whitespace, this operation will have no effect.

Trim Trailing Whitespace

Deletes any trailing whitespace that appears after the last non-whitespace character on the cursor line.

Delete Line

Completely delete the current cursor line.

Duplicate Line

Duplicates the cursor line, inserting a copy of the line immediately after the cursor line.

Delete Blank Lines

Deletes the line at the cursor if it is empty or contains only whitespace.

Line Move Up

Moves the current cursor line up.

Line Move Down

Moves the current cursor line down.

[[Window] menu (Editor panel-dedicated items)]

The following items are exclusive for the [Window] menu in the Editor panel (other items are common to all the panels).


Splits the active Editor panel horizontally.

Only the active Editor panel can be split. Other panels will not be split. A panel can be split up to four times.

Remove Split

Removes the split view of the Editor panel.

[Context menu]

(1)Titlebar area

(2)Coverage area

(3)Event area

(4)Main area (when connected to the debug tool)

(5)Characters area (when disconnected from the debug tool)

(6)Characters area (when connected to the debug tool)


For details on how to set various events when connected to the debug tool, see "CS+ Debug Tool".


Titlebar area

Close Panel

Closes the currently selected panel.

Close All but This

Closes all other panels being displayed in the same panel display area as the selected panel, except for the currently selected panel.


Displays the Editor panel in a new floating window.

Select [Docking] from the context menu to return the Editor panel to the docking state.

Either [Floating] or [Docking] is displayed.


The Editor panel displayed in a floating window is returned to the docking state.

Either [Floating] or [Docking] is displayed.

Save file name

Saves the contents of the opened text file.

Copy FUll Path

Copies the full path of the opened text file to the clipboard.

Open Containing Folder

Opens the folder where the text file is saved in Explorer.

New Horizontal Tab Group

The area for the display of active panels is evenly divided into two areas in the horizontal direction, and the panels are displayed as a new group of tabbed pages. Only one panel is active in the new group. The area may be divided into up to four panels.

This item is not displayed in the following cases.


Only one panel is open.


The group has already been divided in the vertical direction.


The group has already been divided into four panels.

New Vertical Tab Group

The area for the display of active panels is evenly divided into two areas in the vertical direction, and the panels are displayed as a new group of tabbed pages. Only one panel is active in the new group. The area may be divided into up to four panels.

This item is not displayed in the following cases.


Only one panel is open.


The group has already been divided in the horizontal direction.


The group has already been divided into four panels.

Go to Next Tab Group

When the display area is divided in the horizontal direction, this moves the displayed panel to the group under that displaying the selected panel.

When the display area is divided in the vertical direction, this moves the displayed panel to the group to the right of that displaying the selected panel.

This item is not displayed if there is no group in the given direction.

Go to Previous Tab Group

When the display area is divided in the horizontal direction, this moves the displayed panel to the group over that displaying the selected panel.

When the display area is divided in the vertical direction, this moves the displayed panel to the group to the left of that displaying the selected panel.

This item is not displayed if there is no group in the given direction.

Caution 1.

The Editor panel displayed in a floating window is not displayed in the list of windows in the [Window] menu. Switching by the [Ctrl] + [Tab] key, [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [Tab] key, [Ctrl] + [F6] key, or [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [F6] key is also not supported.

Caution 2.

During floating, except for [Close Panel] and [Docking], items in the above table are not displayed.


Double-clicking on the title bar during floating switches the maximization level.



Coverage area

Clear Coverage Information

Clears all the coverage measurement results currently being stored in the debug tool.

Note that this item is enabled only when the selected debug tool supports the coverage function.


Event area

Set Timer Start Event

Sets a timer start event to start measuring the execution time of the program when the line at caret is executed.

Set Timer End Event

Sets a timer end event to stop measuring the execution time of the program when the line at caret is executed.

Start Performance Measurement

[RH850 [E1][E20][Full-spec emulator]]

Sets a performance measurement start event to start measuring the performance when the line at caret is executed.

Stop Performance Measurement

[RH850 [E1][E20][Full-spec emulator]]

Sets a performance measurement end event to stop measuring the performance when the line at caret is executed.

Set Trace Start Event

Sets a trace start event to start collecting the trace data when the line at the caret is executedNote.

Set Trace End Event

Sets a trace end event to stop collecting the trace data when the line at the caret is executedNote.

Register Action Event...

Opens the Action Events dialog box to set an action event to the corresponding address of the line at the caret position.

Enable Event(s)

Changes the state of a selected event to a valid state.

If the event mark ( ) which indicates that multiple events have been set is selected, all of the events that have been set are enabled.

Disable Event(s)

Changes the state of a selected event to an Invalid state.

If the event mark ( ) which indicates that multiple events have been set is selected, all of the events that have been set are disabled.

Delete Event(s)

Deletes a selected event.

If the event mark ( ) which indicates that multiple events have been set is selected, all of the events that have been set are deleted.

View Details in Event Panel

Opens the Event panel to display the detailed information of the selected event.


[RH850 [E1][E20]][[RX/RL78 [E1][E20][EZ Emulator]][RL78 [COM Port]]
This item is displayed only when the selected microcontroller incorporates the OCD trace function.


Main area (when connected to the debug tool)

Set Breakpoint

Sets a breakpoint to the line at the caret positionNote.

If a breakpoint is already being set to the line, then the breakpoint will be deleted.

Set Hardware Breakpoint

(except [Simulator])

Sets a breakpoint (Hardware Break event) to the line at the caret position.

Set Software Breakpoint

(except [Simulator])

Sets a breakpoint (Software Break event) to the line at the caret position.

Hardware Break First

(except [Simulator])

The type of break that can be set by a one click operation of the mouse is set as a hardware breakpoint (this is reflected in the setting of the [First using type of breakpoint] property in the [Break] category from the [Debug Tool Settings] tab on the Property panel).

Software Break First

(except [Simulator])

The type of break that can be set by a one click operation of the mouse is set as a software breakpoint (this is reflected in the setting of the [First using type of breakpoint] property in the [Break] category from the [Debug Tool Settings] tab on the Property panel).

Enable Breakpoint

Changes the selected breakpoint state to a valid state.

If the event mark ( ) which indicates that multiple events have been set is selected, all of the breakpoints that have been set are enabled.

Disable Breakpoint

Changes the selected breakpoint state to an invalid state.

If the event mark ( ) which indicates that multiple events have been set is selected, all of the breakpoints that have been set are disabled.

Delete Breakpoint

Deletes the selected breakpoint.

If the event mark ( ) which indicates that multiple events have been set is selected, all of the breakpoints that have been set are deleted.

View Details in Event Panel

Opens the Events panel to display the detailed information of the selected event.


Except for [Simulator]
By default, the debug tool will set a hardware break when resources are available.
This behavior can be customized by using the [Hardware Break First] or [Software Break First] menu items.


Characters area (when disconnected from the debug tool)


Cuts the selected character string and copies it to the clipboard.

If there is no selection, the entire line is cut.


Copies the contents of the selected range to the clipboard as character string(s).

If there is no selection, the entire line is copied.


Inserts (insert mode) or overwrites (overwrite mode) the characters that are copied on the clip board into the caret position.

When the contents of the clipboard are not recognized as characters, the operation is invalid.


Opens the Find and Replace dialog box with selecting [Quick Find] tab.

Go To...

Opens the Go to Line dialog box to move the caret to the specified line.

Forward To Next Cursor Position

Forwards to the position before operating [Back To Last Cursor Position].

Back To Last Cursor Position

Goes back to the position before operating [Jump to Function or Variable]/[Find...]/[Go To...]/[Next Bookmark]/[Previous Bookmark] or moving the caret by clicking the mouse.

The jump history is cleared when all of the Editor panel currently being opened are closed.

Jump to Function or Variable

Jumps to the function or the variable that is selected or at the caret position regarding the selected characters and the words at the caret position as functions or variables (see "2.6Jump to Functions or Variables").

Tag Jump

Jumps to the corresponding line and column in the corresponding file if the information of a file name, a line number and a column number exists in the line at the caret position (see "2.7Jump to a Desired Line (Tag Jump)").


Displays a cascading menu for bookmarks (see "2.8Register Bookmarks").


Toggle Bookmark

Inserts/deletes a bookmark on the line at the current caret position.

Next Bookmark

Moves a caret to the position of the next bookmark, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:


No bookmark is registered.


A bookmark is registered only in one line with a caret.

Previous Bookmark

Moves a caret to the position of the previous bookmark, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:


No bookmark is registered.


A bookmark is registered only in one line with a caret.

Clear All Bookmarks

Clears all the registered bookmarks, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled when no bookmark is registered.

List Bookmarks...

Opens the Bookmarks dialog box for displaying the list of bookmarks.

Note that this item is disabled when the project is closed.


Displays a cascading menu for performing an advanced operation for the Editor panel.


Increase Line Indent

Increases the indentation of the current cursor line by one tab.

Decrease Line Indent

Decreases the indentation of the current cursor line by one tab.

Uncomment Lines

Removes the first set of line-comment delimiters from the start of the current cursor line, appropriate to the current language. This operation will only be available when the language of the current source file has line-comment delimiters specified.

Comment Lines

Places line-comment delimiters at the start of the current cursor line, appropriate to the current language. This operation will only be available when the language of the current source file has line-comment delimiters specified.

Convert Tabs to Spaces

Converts all tabs on the current cursor line into spaces.

Convert Spaces to Tabs

Converts each set of consecutive space characters on the current line to tab characters, but only for those sets of spaces that are at least equal to one tab size.

Tabify Selected Lines

Tabifies the current line, causing all spaces at the start of the line (prior to any text) to be converted to tabs where possible.

Untabify Selected Lines

Untabifies the current line, causing all tabs at the start of the line (prior to any text) to be converted to spaces.

Make Uppercase

Converts all letters within the selection to uppercase.

Make Lowercase

Converts all letters within the selection to lowercase.

Toggle Character Casing

Toggles the character cases (uppercase / lowercase) of all letters within the selection.


Capitalizes the first character of every word within the selection.

Delete Horizontal Whitespace

Deletes any excess white space either side of the cursor position, leaving only one whitespace character remaining. If there the cursor is within a word or not surrounded by whitespace, this operation will have no effect.

Trim Trailing Whitespace

Deletes any trailing whitespace that appears after the last non-whitespace character on the cursor line.

Delete Line

Completely delete the current cursor line.

Duplicate Line

Duplicates the cursor line, inserting a copy of the line immediately after the cursor line.

Delete Blank Lines

Deletes the line at the cursor if it is empty or contains only whitespace.

Line Move Up

Moves the current cursor line up.

Line Move Down

Moves the current cursor line down.


Characters area (when connected to the debug tool)

Register to Watch1

Registers a selected character string or a word at the caret position to the Watch panel (Watch1) as a watch-expression (the judgment of the word depends on current build tool).

Note that this item is disabled when no corresponding address exists in the line at caret.

Register to Analysis Chart

Registers a selected character string or a word at the caret position to the Analysis Chart panel of the analyze tool (Program Analyzer) as a variable. If variables have been already registered to all channels, a message is displayed and this operation will have no effect.

Note that this item is disabled when the active project does not support a plug-in of the analyze tool.

Register Action Event...

Opens the Action Events dialog box to set an action event to the corresponding address of the line at the caret position.

Note that this item is disabled when no corresponding address exists in the line at caret.


Deletes the selected character string(s) and copies them to the clipboard.

If there is no selection, the entire line is cut.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Copies the contents of the selected range to the clipboard as character string(s).

If there is no selection, the entire line is copied.


Inserts (insert mode) or overwrites (overwrite mode) the characters that are copied on the clip board into the caret position.

Note that this item is disabled when the contents of the clipboard are not recognized as characters or this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Opens the Find and Replace dialog box with selecting [Quick Find] tab.

Go To...

Opens the Go to Line dialog box to move the caret to the specified line.

Forward To Next Cursor Position

Forwards to the position before operating [Back To Last Cursor Position].

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Back To Last Cursor Position

Goes back to the position before operating [Jump to Function or Variable]/[Find...]/[Go To...]/[Next Bookmark]/[Previous Bookmark] or moving the caret by clicking the mouse.

The jump history is cleared when all of the Editor panel currently being opened are closed.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Go to Here

Executes the program from the address indicated by the current PC value to the address corresponding to the line at the caret position.

Note that this item is disabled during program execution/build (not including rapid build) execution.

Set PC to Here

Sets the address of the line at the current caret position to the current PC value.

Note that this item is disabled when no corresponding address exists in the line at caret, or during program execution/build (not including rapid build) execution

Jump to Function or Variable

Jumps to the function or the variable that is selected or at the caret position regarding the selected characters and the words at the caret position as functions or variables (see "2.6Jump to Functions or Variables").

Tag Jump

Jumps to the corresponding line and column in the corresponding file if the information of a file name, a line number and a column number exists in the line at the caret position (see "2.7Jump to a Desired Line (Tag Jump)").

Jump to Disassemble

Opens the Disassemble panel and jumps to the address corresponding to the line at the caret.

Note that this item is disabled when no corresponding address exists in the line at caret.


Displays a cascading menu for bookmarks (see "2.8Register Bookmarks").


Toggle Bookmark

Inserts/deletes a bookmark on the line at the current caret position.

Note that this item is disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.

Next Bookmark

Moves a caret to the position of the next bookmark, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:


No bookmark is registered.


A bookmark is registered only in one line with a caret.


This panel is in the mixed display mode.

Previous Bookmark

Moves a caret to the position of the previous bookmark, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:


No bookmark is registered.


A bookmark is registered only in one line with a caret.


This panel is in the mixed display mode.

Clear All Bookmarks

Clears all the registered bookmarks, in the active Editor panel.

Note that this item is disabled in the following cases:


No bookmark is registered.


This panel is in the mixed display mode.

List Bookmarks...

Opens the Bookmarks dialog box for displaying the list of bookmarks.

Note that this item is disabled when the project is closed.


Displays a cascading menu for performing an advanced operation for the Editor panel.

Note that these items are disabled when this panel is in the mixed display mode.


Increase Line Indent

Increases the indentation of the current cursor line by one tab.

Decrease Line Indent

Decreases the indentation of the current cursor line by one tab.

Uncomment Lines

Removes the first set of line-comment delimiters from the start of the current cursor line, appropriate to the current language. This operation will only be available when the language of the current source file has line-comment delimiters specified.

Comment Lines

Places line-comment delimiters at the start of the current cursor line, appropriate to the current language. This operation will only be available when the language of the current source file has line-comment delimiters specified.

Convert Tabs to Spaces

Converts all tabs on the current cursor line into spaces.

Convert Spaces to Tabs

Converts each set of consecutive space characters on the current line to tab characters, but only for those sets of spaces that are at least equal to one tab size.

Tabify Selected Lines

Tabifies the current line, causing all spaces at the start of the line (prior to any text) to be converted to tabs where possible.

Untabify Selected Lines

Untabifies the current line, causing all tabs at the start of the line (prior to any text) to be converted to spaces.

Make Uppercase

Converts all letters within the selection to uppercase.

Make Lowercase

Converts all letters within the selection to lowercase.

Toggle Character Casing

Toggles the character cases (uppercase / lowercase) of all letters within the selection.


Capitalizes the first character of every word within the selection.

Delete Horizontal Whitespace

Deletes any excess white space either side of the cursor position, leaving only one whitespace character remaining. If there the cursor is within a word or not surrounded by whitespace, this operation will have no effect.

Trim Trailing Whitespace

Deletes any trailing whitespace that appears after the last non-whitespace character on the cursor line.

Delete Line

Completely delete the current cursor line.

Duplicate Line

Duplicates the cursor line, inserting a copy of the line immediately after the cursor line.

Delete Blank Lines

Deletes the line at the cursor if it is empty or contains only whitespace.

Line Move Up

Moves the current cursor line up.

Line Move Down

Moves the current cursor line down.

Break Settings

The following cascade menus are displayed to set the break-related event.


Set Hardware Break

Sets a breakpoint (Hardware Break event) to the line at the caret position.

Set Software Break

(except [Simulator])

Sets a breakpoint (Software Break event) to the line at the caret position.

Set Combination Break

Sets a break event (execution type) to the line at the caret position as one of the condition for a Combination Break eventNote 1.

Set Read Break to

Sets a break event with read access condition to the line at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, or file-internal static variable)/I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78]Note 2.

Set Write Break to

Sets a break event with write access condition to the line at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, or file-internal static variable)/I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78]Note 2.

Set R/W Break to

Sets a break event with read/write access condition to the line at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable)/I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78]Note 2.

Set Read Combination Break to

Sets a break event with read access condition to the line at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, or file-internal static variable)/SFR as one of the condition for a Combination Break eventNote 1.

Set Write Combination Break to

Sets a break event with write access condition to the line at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, or file-internal static variable)/SFR as one of the condition for a Combination Break eventNote 1.

Set R/W Combination Break to

Sets a break event with read/write access condition to the line at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable)/SFR as one of the condition for a Combination Break eventNote 1.

Break Option

Opens the Property panel to set the break function.

Trace Settings

The following cascade menus are displayed to set the trace-related eventNote 3.

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support the trace function.


Start Tracing

Sets a trace start event to start collecting the trace data when the line at the caret is executed.

Stop Tracing

Sets a trace end event to stop collecting the trace data when the line at the caret is executed.

Record Reading Value

Sets a Point Trace event to record the access value as the trace data when a variable at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable) /I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78] is read accessed.

Record Writing Value

Sets a Point Trace event to record the access value as the trace data when a variable at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable) /I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78] is write accessed.

Record R/W Value

Sets a Point Trace event to record the access value as the trace data when a variable at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable) /I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78] is read/ write accessed.

Record Start R/W Value

Sets a trace start event to start collecting the trace data when a variable at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable) /I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78] is read/ write accessed.

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support this function.

Record End R/W Value

Sets a trace end event to stop collecting the trace data when a variable at the caret or the selected variable (global variable, static variable inside functions, file-internal static variable) /I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78] is read/ write accessed.

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support this function.

Show Trace Result

Opens the Trace panel and displays the acquired trace data.

Trace Settings

Opens the Property panel to set the trace function.

Note that this item is disabled the trace function is in operation.

Timer Settings

The following cascade menus are displayed to set the timer-related eventNote 4.

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support the timer function.


Start timer

Sets a timer start event to start measuring the execution time of the program when an instruction of an address at the caret position is executed.


Set Timer n

Specify a channel nNote 5 in which a timer start event is set.

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support this function.

Stop timer

Sets a timer end event to stop measuring the execution time of the program when an instruction of an address at the caret position is executed.


Set Timer n

Specify a channel nNote 5 in which a timer end event is set.

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support this function.

Set Timer Start R/W Value

Sets a timer start event that causes a measurement of the program's execution time to start upon read/write access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78].

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support this function.


Set Timer n

Specify a channel nNote 5 in which a timer start event is set.

Set Timer End R/W Value

Sets a timer end event that causes a measurement of the program's execution time to finish upon read/write access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register [RH850][RX]/SFR [RL78].

Note that this item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support this function.


Set Timer n

Specify a channel nNote 5 in which a timer end event is set.

View Result of Timer

Opens the Events panel and displays only timer-related events.

Performance Measurement Settings

[Full-spec emulator] [E1/E20 [RH850]]

The following cascade menus are displayed to set the event related to performance measurement.


Start Performance Measurement

Sets a performance measurement start event to start measuring performance measurement when the instruction of the address at the caret position is executed.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement start event is set.

Stop Performance Measurement

Sets a performance measurement end event to stop measuring performance measurement when the instruction of the address at the caret position is executed.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement end event is set.

Set Performance Measurement Start Read Value

Sets a performance measurement start event that causes performance measurement to start upon read access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement start event is set.

Set Performance Measurement End Read Value

Sets a performance measurement end event that causes performance measurement to end upon read access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement end event is set.

Set Performance Measurement Start Write Value

Sets a performance measurement start event that causes performance measurement to start upon write access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement start event is set.

Set Performance Measurement End Write Value

Sets a performance measurement end event that causes performance measurement to end upon write access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement end event is set.

Set Performance Measurement Start R/W Value

Sets a performance measurement start event that causes performance measurement to start upon read/write access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement start event is set.

Set Performance Measurement End R/W Value

Sets a performance measurement end event that causes performance measurement to end upon read/write access to the caret position or a selected variable (global variable, static variable inside a function, static variable inside a file) or I/O register.


Set Performance Measurement n

Specify a channel nNote 6 (n: 1 to 3) in which a performance measurement end event is set.

View Result of Performance Measurement

Opens the Events panel and displays events related to performance measurement.

Clear Coverage Information

Clears all the coverage measurement results currently being stored in the debug tool.

Note that this item is enabled only when the selected debug tool supports the coverage function.

Set Measuring CAN Bus Reception Processing Time

[E2 emulator [RH850]]

Displays a cascade menus for inserting a dbtag instruction for measuring the CAN bus reception processing time.


Set DBTAG insertion point

Displays a menus for setting an insertion point for a dbtag instruction.


Insert DBTAG(DBTAG value)

Sets an insertion point for a dbtag instruction to output DBTAG value at the caret position.

DBTAG value can be 0x21, 0x29, 0x31, 0x39, 0x41, 0x49, 0x51, 0x59, 0x61, or 0x69.

Delete insertion point for DBTAG

Deletes the insertion point for a dbtag instruction at the caret position.

Monitor Point Setting

[RL78]Note 7

Displays a cascade menus for setting a monitor point for measurement of the current consumption.


Enable Monitor Point

Enables the monitor point at the caret position.

Disable Monitor Point

Disables the monitor point at the caret position.

Set Monitor Point

Set a monitor point at the caret position.

Delete Monitor Point

Deletes the monitor point at the caret position.

Save Source Mixed Data As...

Opens the Save As dialog box to newly save the contents of the currently editing Editor panel.

Note that this item is enabled only when the Editor panel is in the mixed display mode.

Note 1.

This item is enabled only when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support a Combination Break event.

Note 2.

This item is disabled when both the selected microcontroller and debug tool support a Combination Break event (i.e. this item is not shown).

Note 3.

When a trace-related event is set, the [Use trace function] property in the [Trace] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel is automatically set to [Yes].

Note 4.

When a timer-related event is set, the [Use timer function] property in the [Timer] category on the Property panel is automatically set to [Yes].

Note 5.

The specifiable number of channels differs with the selected microcontroller.
For details on the timer function, see "CS+ Debug Tool".

Note 6.

[RH850 [E1][E20][Full-spec emulator]]
The specifiable number of channels differs with the selected microcontroller.
For details on the performance measurement function, see "CS+ Debug Tool".

Note 7.

Setting of monitor points for current is only possible when you are using an E2 emulator as the debug tool and an MCU other than the RL78/G10.