
[Replace in Files] tab

In this tab, batch search is done with the designated characters and then they are replaced to the characters to be replaced in batch.

Figure A.12

Find and Replace Dialog Box: [Replace in Files] Tab

Remark 1.

This tab is enabled only when the Find and Replace dialog box is called from the Editor panel in the Normal display mode.

Remark 2.

The button in [Search text] area will be displayed only if this dialog box is opened from the Editor panel.


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Edit] menu, select [Find...].


From the [Edit] menu, select [Replace...].


[Ctrl] + [F] key, [Ctrl] + [R] key, [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F] key or [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R] key.

[Description of each area]


[Search text] area

Designate characters to find.

You can directly enter the characters into the text box (maximum characters: 1024) or select from the input history in the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

By default, a word (including a variable, function, etc.) at the caret position is shown. Note, however, that if this dialog box is opened from the panel with the character being selected, the selected characters are shown by default.


You can select the following wildcard by using the button. This is available when this dialog box is opened from the Editor panel and "Wild-card" is selected in [Search criteria].


# Any single digit


* Zero or more of any character


? Any single character


[!] Any one character not in the set


[] Any one character in the set


You can select the following regular expressions by using the button. This is available when this dialog box is opened from the Editor panel and "Regular Expression" is selected in [Search criteria].


$ End of line


( ) Group capture


* Zero or more


+ One or more


. Any single character


[] Any one character not in the set


[^] Any one character not in the set


\ Escape special character


\b Word boundary


\n Line break


\s Whitespace


^ Beginning of line


| Or


For details on regular expressions, see "B.REGULAR EXPRESSIONS SYNTAX".


[Replace with] area

Designate characters to be replaced.

You can directly enter the characters into the text box (maximum characters: 1024) or select from the input history in the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).


[Search location] area

Designate the location to find.

Select either one of the following items from the drop-down list or directly enter the file location from the keyboard (maximum number: 10).



Current document (Panel Name)

Finds within the current Editor panel.

All open documents

Finds within all the opening the Editor panel.

If no file is opened in the Editor panel, this item is disabled.

Active project

Finds within the text file included in the active project.

When [File type] is specified, finds only the specified type.

Note that is the current project does not exist, this item is disabled.

Main project and subprojects

Finds within the text file included in the main project and subproject.

When [File type] is specified, finds only the specified type.

Note that if the current project does not exist, this item is disabled.

Folder Name

Finds within the text file in the folder specified by directly entering (the maximum characters: 259) the path (relative path is from the project folder), or specified in the Browse For Folder dialog box opened by clicking the [...] button in this area. When folders are not specified, the project folder name is shown in "( )" by default folder (if the project does not exist, the current user document folder is shown).

When [File type] is specified, searches only the specified type.


Up to 10 history entries are recorded in the drop-down list.


[Option] area

This area is shown when the [Option] button is clicked (not shown by default).

The following options can be designated as search criteria.


[Search criteria]

Select one of the following items from the drop-down list.




Finds the characters designated in [Search text] area.


Finds using the wildcard designated in [Search text] area.

Regular ExpressionsNote

Finds using the regular expressions designated in [Search text] area.


This item is enabled only when the Editor panel is focused.


[File type]

Specify File types to search.

Select one of the following items from the drop-down list.



Source files (ExtensionsNote)

Files to find are limited to the source files.

Text files (*.txt)

Files to find are limited to the text files.

All files (*.*)

Finds all the files.


Shows extensions of the source file added to the Project Tree panel.


Note that the finds can be operated by limiting the search criteria by directly entering the file name in the text box (maximum characters: 1024).

If this is the case, the wildcard "*" can be used and multiple file names can be specified by separating them with ";".


If you directly enter terms in this text box, they must consist only of wildcards as the filenames and filename extensions.
If you enter "Source files(*.c; *.h)", for example, "Source files(aaa.c" and "Source files(bbb.c", and "ccc.h)" will be covered by the search, but "aaa.c", "bbb.c", and "ccc.h" (presumably the intention) will not. To find "aaa.c", "bbb.c", and "ccc.h", simply enter "*.c; *.h".


Up to 10 history entries are recorded in the drop-down list.


[Match case]


Finds with the designated characters in case-sensitive.


Finds with the designated characters in not case-sensitive (default).


[Match whole word]


Finds with a designated exact word.


Finds with at least one of the words (default).


[Open file before replacing]


Replace is done after opening the file to find/replace characters in the Editor panel.


Replace is done without opening the file to find/replace characters (default).

[Function buttons]




Switches between display/hide the [Option] area in this tab.

Replace All

Finds characters with designated criteria in batch and replaces the searched characters to the one designated to be replaced.


Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.


Displays the help of this dialog box.