
[Quick Replace] tab

In this tab, search is done with the designated characters and then they are replaced to the characters to be replaced.

Figure A.11

Find and Replace Dialog Box: [Quick Replace] Tab


This tab is enabled only when the Find and Replace dialog box is called from the Editor panel in the Normal display mode.


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [Edit] menu, select [Find...].


From the [Edit] menu, select [Replace...].


[Ctrl] + [F] key, [Ctrl] + [R] key, [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F] key or [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [R] key.

[Description of each area]


[Search text] area

Designate characters to find.

You can directly enter the characters into the text box (maximum characters: 1024) or select from the input history in the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

By default, a word (including a variable, function, etc.) at the caret position is shown. Note, however, that if this dialog box is opened from the panel with the character being selected, the selected characters are shown by default.


You can select the following wildcard by using the button. This is available when "Wild-card" is selected in [Search criteria].


# Any single digit


* Zero or more of any character


? Any single character


[!] Any one character not in the set


[] Any one character in the set


You can select the following regular expressions by using the button. This is available when "Regular Expression" is selected in [Search criteria].


$ End of line


( ) Group capture


* Zero or more


+ One or more


. Any single character


[] Any one character not in the set


[^] Any one character not in the set


\ Escape special character


\b Word boundary


\n Line break


\s Whitespace


^ Beginning of line


| Or


For details on regular expressions, see "B.REGULAR EXPRESSIONS SYNTAX".


[Replace with] area

Designate characters to be replaced.

You can directly enter the characters into the text box (maximum characters: 1024) or select from the input history in the drop-down list (maximum numbers of the history: 10).


[Search location] area

The following item will appear in the drop-down list.



Current document (Panel Name)

Finds in the panel which was last active and can be found.

If the panel which was lastly active cannot be found or the panel does not exist, this item will be disabled.


Up to 10 history entries are recorded in the drop-down list.


[Option] area

This area is shown when the [Option] button is clicked (not shown by default).

The following options can be designated as search criteria.


[Search criteria]

Select one of the following items from the drop-down list.




Finds the characters designated in [Search text] area.


Finds using the wildcard designated in [Search text] area.

Regular Expressions

Finds using the regular expressions designated in [Search text] area.


[File type]

This item is disabled.


[Match case]


Finds the designated characters in case-sensitive.


Finds the designated characters in not case-sensitive (default).


[Match whole word]


Finds with a designated exact word.


Finds with at least one of the words (default).


[Open file before replacing]

This item is disabled.

[Function buttons]




Switches between display/hide the [Option] area in this tab.

Find Previous

Finds from the current caret position to the top of the file with the designated criteria. Selects the characters that are found and moves the caretNote.

Find Next

Finds from the current caret position to the end of the file with the designated criteria. Selects the characters that are found and moves the caretNote.

Replace and Next

(Replace and Previous)

Replaces the selected characters to the characters to be replaced then searches the next (previous) candidate and selects themNote.


Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.


Displays the help of this dialog box.


If the designated characters cannot be searched, "Search text was not found." is displayed on the status bar of the Main window.


When the [Find Previous]/[Find Next]/[Replace and Next] button is clicked, all character strings for the search in the characters area are highlighted by a beige background color except in the case of searches with wildcards or in the [Match whole word] checkbox. Highlighting of the character string for the search is canceled by pressing the [Esc] key.