2.5.1 Compile Options

The types and explanations for options of the compile phase are shown below.




Source Options


Specifies the language to assume in compiling the source file.


Specifies the names of folders that hold include files.


Specifies the names of files to be included at the head of each compiling unit.


Specifies macro definitions.


Specifies disabling of predefined macros.


Information-level messages are output.


Specifies the numbers of information-level messages to be disabled.


Changes the levels of compiler output messages.


Specifies the names of folders that hold files for inter-file inline expansion.


Selects permission for comment (/* */) nesting.


Checks compatibility with an existing program.

-misra2004 [Professional Edition only]

Checks the source code against the MISRA-C: 2004 rules.

-misra2012 [Professional Edition only] [V2.04.00 or later]

Checks the source code against the MISRA-C: 2012 rules.

-ignore_files_misra [Professional Edition only]

Selects files that will not be checked against the MISRAC: 2004 rules or MISRA-C: 2012 rules.

-check_language_extension [Professional Edition only]

Enables complete checking against the MISRA-C: 2004 rules or MISRA-C: 2012 rules for parts of the code where this would otherwise be suppressed due to use of an extended specification.

Object Options


Selects the output file type.


Selects the non-output of #line in preprocessor expansion.


Debugging information is output to the object files.


Debugging information is not output to the object files.


Changes section names to be changed.


Variables are allocated to sections that match their alignment values.


Alignment values of variables are ignored in allocating the variables to sections.


Instructions at branch destinations are aligned with 4-byte boundaries.


Instructions at branch destinations are aligned with 8-byte boundaries.


Instructions at branch destinations have no specific alignment.


Generates code in which no DIV, DIVU, or FDIV instructions are used for division and modular division.


[To be supported by V2.03 and later versions]

Makes spaces created by .OFFSET unfilled.

-stack_protector/-stack_protector_all [Professional Edition only] [V2.04.00 or later]

This option generates a code for detection of stack smashing.

List Options


A source list file is output.


A source list file is not output.


Specifies the contents of the source list file.

Optimize Options


Selects the optimization level.


Outputs additional information for inter-module optimization.


Optimization is with emphasis on execution performance.


Optimization is with emphasis on code size.


Specifies a maximum number for loop-expansion.


Inline expansion is processed automatically.


Inline expansion is not processed automatically.


Specifies a file for inter-file inline expansion.


Selects the method of expansion for switch statements.


External variables are handled as if they are all volatile qualified.


External variables are handled as if none of them have been declared volatile.


Enables constant propagation of const qualified external variables.


Disables constant propagation of const qualified external variables.


Divisions and remainders of integer constants are converted into instruction sequences.


Divisions and remainders of integer constants are not converted into instruction sequences.


Selects the method for the execution of library functions.


Selects division of the ranges for optimization into multiple sections before compilation.


Selects non-division of the ranges for optimization into multiple sections before compilation.


Pipeline processing is considered in scheduling instructions.


Scheduling is not applied to instruction execution.


All access to external variables is optimized.


Access to external variables is optimized as defined in the file to be compiled.


Access to external variables is not optimized.


Division of floating-point constants is converted into multiplication.


Variables with the register storage class specification are given preference for allocation to registers.

Optimize Options


Part of the type conversion processing between the floating-point type and the integer type is omitted.


Floating-point calculation instructions are used.


Floating-point calculation instructions are not used.


Optimization is performed in consideration of the types of data indicated by pointers.


The orders of operations in floating-point expressions are modified for optimization.


Selects global optimization.


The results of compiling multiple source files are output to a single object file.


Makes the compiler perform optimization on the assumption that all source files have been input.

Microcontroller Options


Selects the instruction-set architecture.


Selects the microcontroller type.


Selects the endian type.


Selects the rounding method for floating-point constant operations.


Selects the operation when denormalized numbers are used to describe floating-point constants.


Selects the precision of the double and long double types.


Replaces the int type with the short type and the unsigned int type with the unsigned short type.


Variables of the char type are handled as signed char.


Variables of the char type are handled as unsigned char.


The sign bits of bit-fields are taken as signed.


The sign bits of bit-fields are taken as unsigned.


Selects whether or not the sizes for enumerated types are automatically selected.


Selects the order of bit-field members.


Specifies one as the boundary alignment value for structure members and class members.


Aligns structure members and class members to the alignment boundaries for the given data types.


Enables the exception handling function.


Disables the exception handling function.


Selects enabling or disabling of C++ runtime type information (dynamic_cast or typeid).


Selects a general register for exclusive use with the fast interrupt function.

Microcontroller Options


Selects the maximum size or no maximum size for branches.


Specifies the base registers for ROM and RAM.


Selects avoidance or non-avoidance of a problem specific to the CPU type.


Enables the PIC function.


Enables the PID function.


The PID register is not used in code generation.


The contents of ACC are saved and restored in interrupt functions.

Assemble and Linkage Options


Specifies a subcommand file for asrx options.


Specifies a subcommand file for rlink options.


Specifies asrx options.


Specifies rlink options.

Other Options


Selects the output of copyright information.


Selects the non-output of copyright information.


The character codes of input programs are interpreted as EUC codes.


The character codes of input programs are interpreted as SJIS codes.


The character codes of input programs are interpreted as ISO-Latin1 codes.


The character codes of input programs are interpreted as UTF-8 codes.


The character codes of input programs are interpreted as BIG5 codes.


The character codes of input programs are interpreted as GB2312 codes.


Selects the character coding for an output assembly-language file.


Specifies a file for including command options.