This dialog box sets a COM port on the host machine to which communication from the microcontroller is redirected.
This section describes the following.
On the Debug Console panel, select [COM Port...] from the context menu. |
Select a COM port to which communication is redirected. If there are no COM ports available on the host machine, this drop-down list is blank.
Select a baud rate at which communication is performed with the redirected COM port.
The drop-down list displays the following baud rates. If "System" is selected, the baud rate set by the device manager applies.
System, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200
Connects to (default) or disconnects from a COM port. When connected to a COM port, the button is labeled "Disconnect." When disconnected from a COM port, the button is labeled "Connect." |