2.23.20 Trusted Memory

[RX71M, RX64M, RX651, RX65N]

When the trusted-memory facility is enabled, the trusted-memory identification data cannot be rewritten. Even downloading does not modify the value of TMINF.


[RX651, RX65N]

When the trusted-memory facility is enabled, using the dual-bank facility to switch between linear and dual modes of the code flash memory is not possible. Moreover, when dual mode is selected, if the trusted-memory facility is enabled (TMEF.TMEF=00) but handling of the address range from FFEE0000h to FFEEFFFFh as the trusted-memory facility is disabled (TMEF.TMEFDB=111b), switching of the start bank is not possible.

In cases where switching of the mode or start bank is not possible during the process of connecting the debug tool due to the trusted-memory facility being in use, CS+ cannot be connected to the debug tool.

This note only applies to RX65x products that have 2 or 1.5 MB of ROM. It is not applicable to those with 1-MB of ROM or less.