2.23.24 Debugging in dual mode [RX651, RX65N]

If the value of the BANKMD register in downloaded data does not match the start bank selected for the [Start bank] property under the [Operating Modes of CPU] [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator] category on the [Connect Settings] tab of the Property panel, CS+ gives a warning in the Output panel.

If you reset the MCU without disconnecting the debug tool, debugging information will be inconsistent due to switching of the start bank and this will prevent further debugging. Any internal reset, such as by the WDT, will also prevent further debugging.

To restart debugging after switching the start bank, disconnect the debug tool and load a project for the current start bank in advance.

This note only applies to RX65x products that have 2 or 1.5 MB of ROM. It is not applicable to those with 1-MB of ROM or less.