
Format (IIC) dialog box

This dialog box is used to set the serial format for the serial interface (IICA).

Figure A.93

Format (IIC master) Dialog Box

Figure A.94

Format (IIC slave) Dialog Box


This section describes the following.

[How to open]

On the Serial window with the IICA serial interface, any one of the following:


Click the [Format] button.


Select [Format...] from the [Edit] menu

[Description of each area]


Format (IIC master) setting area

Transfer Clock

Directly inputs the transfer clock value (unit: kHz).

Values may include decimal fractions.


Directly inputs the width at low level of the serial clock.


Directly inputs the width at high level of the serial clock.

Slave Addr

Directly inputs the address of the slave which is to be the other party.

Transmit / Receive

Selects the direction of transfer.


This window is to transmit data.


This window is to receive data.


Selects the time until waiting.

8 clock

The state becomes waiting after eight clock cycles.

9 clock

The state becomes waiting after nine clock cycles.


Selects this item to repeat data transfer when the [Auto Send] or [Auto Receive] button in the Serial window has been clicked.



In the case of automatic transmission

Following transmission of the last data during automatic transmission, returns to the beginning of the data and performs automatic transmission.


In the case of automatic reception

Following reception of the last data during automatic reception, returns to the beginning of the Wait time and performs automatic reception.



In the case of automatic transmission

Following transmission of the last data during automatic transmission, stops transmission.


In the case of automatic reception

Following reception of the last data during automatic reception, stops reception.


Format (IIC slave) setting area

Match Addr

Specifies the local address of this window by direct input.


Selects the time until waiting.

8 clock

The state becomes waiting after eight clock cycles.

9 clock

The state becomes waiting after nine clock cycles.


Selects this item to repeat data transfer when the [Auto Send] or [Auto Receive] button in the Serial window has been clicked.



In the case of automatic transmission

Following transmission of the last data during automatic transmission, returns to the beginning of the data and performs automatic transmission.


In the case of automatic reception

Following reception of the last data during automatic reception, returns to the beginning of the Wait time and performs automatic reception.



In the case of automatic transmission

Following transmission of the last data during automatic transmission, stops transmission.


In the case of automatic reception

Following reception of the last data during automatic reception, stops reception.

[Function buttons]




Validates the settings and closes this dialog box.


Cancels the settings and closes this dialog box.