
Object Properties dialog box

This property dialog box is used to set or change the connection information fed to the pins of figure object (including text and bitmap) of the I/O Panel window.

Show/hide can be switched for each pin-connected object by the output status of the connected pins in the Simulation mode.

The default status of each signal is active HIGH. Display styles can be changed on the [[Style] tab].

Figure A.87

Object Properties Dialog Box: [Object Connection] Tab

Figure A.88

Object Properties Dialog Box: [Style] Tab


This section describes the following.

[How to open]

On the I/O Panel window, any one of the following:


Double-click a figure object.


Select [Properties...] form the context menu on a figure object.


Select a figure object, and then select [Properties...] form the [View] menu.

[[Object Connection] tab]


Pin connection information setting area

Pin Connect

Select the method for connecting objects and output pins by clicking the corresponding option buttons, and specify the output pin name.

As a result of the connection, figure display is switched by the ON/OFF status of the connected output pin.

No Connection

The object and pin are not connected (default).

Objects not connected to pins are always in the displayed status.

Static Connection

Connects the figure to 1 output pin.

The connection pin can be specified in [Pin Name] either via direct input or through selection from the drop-down list. During simulation, the object is displayed when the specified output signal data is active.

Dynamic Connection

Connects the figure to 2 output pins.

The connection pin can be specified in [Pin Name1] and [Pin Name2] either via direct input or through selection from the drop-down list. During simulation, the object is displayed when the specified output signal 1 data and the specified output signal 2 data are both active.

Active Level

The common active status of each output signal can be selected from the option buttons.


Sets the active level to LOW.


Sets the active level to HIGH (default).


For the pin names that can be specified, see the user's manual of the microcontroller that is used.

[[Style] tab]


Style information setting area

Fill up

Specifies and changes settings related to each object fillingNote, as follows:

The area to be filled differs according to the object.


Not applicable


Rectangle, Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle
Inside area enclosed by contour lines


Inside area enclosed by lines linking apexes


Inside text box


Inside figure drawing area


Specifies and changes settings of color

You can change the color by clicking the pull-down button.


This area is used to perform settings and changes related to the lines of objects.

The definition of line for each type of object is provided below.


All areas of the object


Rectangle, Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle
Contour line of the figure


Lines that link the apexes of the polygon


Contour lines of the text box


Contour lines of figure drawing area


Specifies and changes the line color.

You can change the color by clicking the pull-down button.


Specifies and changes line shapes (dotted line/solid line).

The desired line shape can be selected from the drop-down list.

Note that this item can be changed only when [Thickness] is set to "1".


Specifies and changes the line thickness.

The desired line thickness can be specified either via direct input or through selection from the spin button.

A value in the range of 1 to 100 (decimal) can be specified.


At this time, if the object that have been pasted from a bitmap file, it becomes invisible.

[Function buttons]




Validates the settings and closes this dialog box.


Cancels the settings and closes this dialog box.


Cannot be selected.


Displays the help for this dialog box.